The first-Lance Stroll

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"There's things I wanna say to you, but I'll just let you live."
Lance and Y/n had been best friends since they could walk, both their parents were family friends and so when the two were born their mothers immediately made plans for the two to have play dates. They couldn't even walk yet. Even then they became close and inseparable, never leaving each others side for anything and always supporting one another. When Lance went off to pursue his career in racing the time the two spent slowly decreased, from occasional talks on the phone and seeing each other holidays to no calls at all and never being in the same country for holidays. This broke Y/n's heart every day especially not knowing if Lance even cared, but surely he didn't because if he did he'd call right? She would still support him though, she'd watch every race weekend no matter if she had a match that day or training she would make time to watch whatever she could of Free practice, Quali and the race. Y/n played for Arsenals women football club and she currently resides in London which was a long away home from Canada and hadn't gone home in a long time. Her mothers birthday was coming up and she had told her she wouldn't be able to make it and that of course made her mother sad but little did she know Y/n's brother Oliver was helping her plan a surprise home since she'd have holiday from season.
The day of her mothers birthday she had stayed the night in a hotel so that her mother wouldn't know of her staying with friends. She did everything she could so the media didn't know until after the surprise that she was there. Y/n drove from the hotel with her things in her car to her childhood home that she so loved and missed, as she finally arrived she pulled into the driveway and parked the car and texted her brother she was there.

Outside! Let me know where to go in from.

Alright give me a sec, we're gathering everyone in the living room for presents before Cake. You'll come in from the front door since it's away from the living room and kitchen.

Sounds good now hurry up stupid!

When she put her phone in her pocket she got the message saying he'd come get her. So she waited in her car till she saw the door open and she got out of the car and ran towards her brother and hugged him.

"I've missed you so much Ollie!" He smiled as he hugged his little sister. When they pulled away he held his finger to his lips.

"I've missed you too but if you're any louder we'll have blown the whole things genius." She rolled her eyes at him and the two made their way to the living room. He told her to wait against the wall before entering and that he would cue her in.

"Alright now before you open anymore gifts mom, we all know that my dear sister couldn't  make it due to training but she sent her gift anyways" Oliver pulled out a gift from behind his back and handed it to her. Her mother Gloria opened up the neatly wrapped box and inside the box was a Cartier bracelet she had her eye on for quite some time now and she immediately teared up earning "Awws" from all the guests.

"I truly wish Y/n could be here, but she's making us proud out there so it's okay." Oliver grinned and placed his hand on her back and faced everyone.

"We'll Mom you're wish is my command." Gloria looked up at him confused and smacked him because she believed he was joking. "Ow, oh Y/n would you care to join in this celebration." Gloria looked around and saw her daughter walking towards her and she couldn't believe it was happening.

"Oh come on now the party can't really be one of im not here" Gloria immediately got up and hugged her and Y/n hugged her so tightly as if trying to see if she was really there. "Alright mom id like to be able to play next month." She let go and smiled as she laughed, Y/n turned to hug her father and the two embraced. As she turned around she recognized all her family and friends but the one who made her stop looking anywhere else was none other than the man she hadn't spoken to in 2 years. Lance Stroll who stood next to his mother and he made eye contact with Y/n and couldn't bring himself to look elsewhere. When the cake had been cut everyone went back to chatting away and well drinking as well, many were in the pool, kids played in the yard and adults danced while they drank. The only two who weren't chatting or dancing were Lance and Y/n and of course the mothers took notice and gave each other a look and grabbed either kid to where everyone was dancing outside, leaving them there confused but as they turned around they were facing each other and gave each other an awkward look but Lance offered his hand out anyways and waited to see if Y/n would take it and to his surprise she did but she of course hesitated, he couldn't blame her he had practically ghosted the girl. The two danced to the slow songs that had gone on as they made their way to the floor. How shocking. The two held each other close as two would do and they were as stiff as they had ever been.

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