Green sweater-Daniel Ricciardo

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Daniel was seated across from Lando Norris as the two shared a meal together while sitting outside of the McLaren hospitality unit. Lando was going on and on about something but Daniel had stopped listening long ago when his attention was captivated by something or better yet someone. Lando had become aware of this when he didn't hear anything coming from him in a while.

"Mate are you even listening?" Daniel looked over at him confused and Lando only rolled his eyes at him.

"Sorry what?"

"I've just told you about how I've ordered 3 new pairs of shoes and you have absolutely zoned out on me." He saw him glance over somewhere else and Lando was annoyed once again. "See there you go again what is so interest-" When he turned around he saw where or whom rather he was looking at and turned back around with a huge smile towards his teammate.

"Ahh now I get it. So are you going to go over and talk to her?" Daniel snapped his head over at the Brit and shook his head.

"No way mate, I'm not going to go and make a fool of myself like every other time" Lando rolled his eyes.

"You have been completely head over heels for her for ever since she joined the paddock 3 years ago when you were at Renault mate" Daniel shook his head and choose to look back down at the plate in front of him.

"Well too bad cause she's coming over and I am just about stuffed from this delicious meal" He said with such enthusiasm towards the end and Daniel was cursing at him.

"Too dalo!" Lando left laughing and headed into the facility leaving Daniel in panic as he saw Y/n getting closer.

"Hey Ricciardo, Norris didn't wanna stick around?" She asked while laughing at how rapidly he got up.

"Uhm no he uh had a meeting to get to" Y/n nodded and stared at the man in front of her who was clearly nervous.

"May I sit down?" Daniel quickly nodded and excused himself for not saying anything before. They sat there in awkward silence and Daniel wanted to die on the inside. "So you usually this quiet with everyone or just when you speak to me?" He looked at her a noticed how her smile dropped as of saying it hurt her.

"I'm sorry I don't mean to be rude I just. Gosh I don't know how to do this, I'm usually not this timid to do this." Y/n looked at him completely confused and he moved his chair closer to face her. "Would you like to maybe go out and grab a bite together?" Y/n smiled but then went to a serious face not sure how he meant it as.

"Like a date or as friends?" He smiled at her clearly blushing at the comment as did she.

"If you'd let me, I'd like to take you on a date as more than friends." Y/n smiled widely and Daniel immediately reciprocated it. Lando had been watching from inside the hospitality area and started shouting a faint "YES, YES" causing the two to look that way as they saw him jumping around and when he turned around he saw them lookin at him and smiled awkwardly at them as they shook their heads. Daniel looked back at Y/n and noticed how beautiful the green Aston Martin hoodie looked on her, if he was being honest he'd say it was her color.

"So where's this date going to take place and how should I dress?" Daniel thought long and hard and since they were in Austin he was more than sure a Carnival had to be in town.

"Okay I won't tell you where but I'll tell you to dress pretty casual, nothing fancy not at least till the second date." Y/n smiled at him and chuckled.

"Oh so there's a second date now?" He laughed and shrugged his shoulders and she placed her hand on his knee. "There will be another date, I'm sure of it" He could only fall more head over heels for her.

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