Lando Norris- Home

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He had been gone for quite long now, but now it was time to be in England for the next race and he would make his way home to y/n. Y/n had always supported him in everything he did as a driver but of course she couldn't help but miss him whenever he was gone. She had gone all out for his welcome back, she made food that was appropriate to his diet, got all his favorite items ready from his gaming system to his favorite comfy clothes, she restocked all the treats and made sure to have loads of Jaffa cakes in the fridge for him. Now all that was left was to wait for him to come home. The hours went by and his plane had already landed 2 hours prior and she didn't understand why he hadn't called or texted, he had won the last race and had told her he'd fly home with some of his mates but he didn't call her to tell her he was on his way. Hours went by and the lunch had grown cold and it was more so time for dinner and still nothing, she pulled every scenario from stopped by tsa or out with another women but she never could see Lando doing such a thing. Her worry grew more and she called to see if maybe he was with family but they too hadn't heard from him. It was now 1 in the morning and Y/n had given up and went to sleep in her cold yet again empty bed but had been woken up by the sound of a doorbell ringing over and over and she was beyond annoyed as she put on her robe and walked downstairs.

"Jesus I said I was coming!" She opened the door to see it was Daniel and George holding up a very drunk Lando.

"Heyyy y/n/n" Lando spoke quiet slurred and she was beyond upset over his state. Daniel looked at her and could tell she was upset.

"We all had a couple drinks but mister Grand Prix winner over here went absolutely bullocks we're so sorry he just wouldn't listen" George spoke to the enraged female in front of him.

"Place him on the couch cause that is where he'll be sleeping the entire weekend" Daniel and George walked him over to the living room where they laid him down and he was laughing as they did.

"Hehe it like a mother and father putting down their baby" he started sucking his thumb and y/n would laugh had it been under other circumstances but right now she was upset.

"We're so sorry y/n trust us when we say we tried to get him to stop and go home" Y/n gave Daniel a small smile and hugged them both as they made their way out the door and to their places. Y/n walked back and saw how Lando had fallen asleep and she rolled her eyes and went off to bed.
It was the next morning and Lando woke up with a headache and back ache he had sat up and realized he was now in his home but wasn't in his bedroom alongside his fiancé oh no he was on the couch and that meant one thing only. Y/n was beyond pissed at him. He slapped his hand to his forehead as he groaned but saw there was a glass of water and pain meds in front of him on the coffee table, when he drank them he got up to search for her in their bedroom and when he opened the door he had seen the bed was freshly made. He searched the whole upstairs and searched all down stairs and once he was in the kitchen he saw a note and plate of food out on the counter.

"Went out for a cup of tea with Carmen , I'll be back after noon so here's breakfast they sent over and a tea for the hangover"

Reading that made Landos heart hurt knowing how much Y/n had talked about him coming home for the weekend and he chose to go out and party and didn't even tell her. He sat and ate his meal and once done he decided he needed to make things right. He cleaned from top to bottom, washed every dished that needed to be cleaned, folded laundry to the best of his ability and went out to buy flowers at a local market. When Y/n got home he stood in front of the foyer with flowers and a guilty face on and Y/n took off her shoes and hanged her purse and crossed her arms.

"Hey babe" Y/n looked to the floor and Lando spoke and scoffed. "Hey babe?. That's what you start your sentence off with?" "Please before you go all out on me just let me talk okay please?" Y/n nodded and he sat on the bench next to her. He looked over at her and guilt filled him immediately knowing what he did was utterly stupid.

"I am so sorry love, I know going out and getting absolutely wasted was the wrong thing to do and not even call home to let you know was wrong of me and I know that and I am forever sorry and I know that this breaks your trust and understand if you second guess us getting married." Y/n looked over at him and saw how sincere he was being. She knew he wasn't one to usually own up to things but when he did it was because he knew there was no one else to blame but him.

"Why would I ever let this break out future?" Lando shrugged his shoulders and it broke her to see him doubt. "What you did was wrong very wrong but that doesn't mean I will call of the wedding and stop loving you!" Lando smiled a bit and she returned it. He pulled her into a hug that was much needed for both and held each other there for a while and when they pulled away lando immediately kissed her and Y/n gladly reciprocated the action and pulling away they remained with foreheads together.

"Now I believe we have some things to do to make up for lost time love" He wiggled his eyebrows and Y/n slapped his shoulder at his dirty thoughts.

"The first thing you ask for when you get home" He laughed and picked her up bridal style and made his way up the stairs and shut the door behind them and well let's say Y/n forgives him entirely.

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