Toto Wolff- Worry

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A fathers second nature is to worry over their child, to always make sure that their okay and happy or well at least some are and others aren't. Toto was that type of father to worry and boy did he over worry. He Introduced his eldest child Y/n to the world of Formula 1 and it would be stupid to think she wouldn't be Interested considering her mother raced and her father did as well and now is Team principal of Mercedes AMG petronas formula 1 team and every day Y/n was on track on and off season she was there, she knew every driver on the paddock and their respective teams she hoped to be one of the one day and well at the age of 7 she began karting and it was history from then on. Y/n was set to leave formula 2 after winning the championship 5 times consecutively and many teams we're looking at her. She knew that she didn't want to race for her father because she didn't want the attention from that and him constantly bearing over her shoulder. Many teams were looking at her as the season came to and end and there were rumors of her joining McLaren for the next season and they finally were able to announce that she would have the 2nd driver seat for McLaren and would be partnered up with Lando Norris and boy was she excited to finally be in formula 1. Her debut race was a phenomenal victory. The team was more than satisfied with their choice and knew that the pair would work nicely together.
It was now the 3rd season of Y/n Wolff in formula 1 with McLaren. Her contract was set for over 5 years unless decided to be changed. They were now racing in Monza and Y/n was more than beyond excited as this was her favorite track of the season and this could potentially be her 51st win if she places well at the end of the race. Y/n was stretching in her room and a knock was heard on the other side of the door.

"Come in!" Once the permission was given in came her father to wish her luck and to be careful like he always does before a race.

"My darling how are you?" Y/n got up from the position she was in and smiled at her father and went up to hug him.

"I'm doing good papa how are you?" He smiled at her after letting her go.

"Very great, excited for the race and what the drivers will bring today" Y/n nodded and agreed with his statement since you never know what will happen ateach race.

"Me too especially since I love this track" He smiled at her but it soon faltered and she noticed it quit quickly.

"Papa what's wrong?"

"I want you to be careful especially with todays conditions it's very cold and it's likely you'll lose grip so please do be careful" Y/n smiled at her father and placed her hand on his shoulder.

"You don't have to worry papa, the team has a strategy set in place for these type of things it will all be well" He smiled and kissed her on the forehead before letting her back to her duty's before the race.

The hour came and all the drivers were doing last minute stretches, prayers, and what ever they needed to do before getting into their cars. Toto eyed Y/n who was in p3 this session placed 2 rows behind his two racers, he watched as she smiled at her crew and laughed at something her engineer had said before placing on her balaclava and helmet and step onto the tiers and lower herself into the car but before she did she waved to her father and he waved back she knew how much he worried and waving before hand gave him a bit of relief. The cars were now left alone and the red lights appeared and all the drivers readied their cars and once the green lights appeared they were off and racing in Monza. The race was doing very well and Y/n had managed to maintain 3rd up until she overtook Bottas on lap 10 and she was now 2nd and doing everything she could to apply pressure to Hamilton.

"Alright Y/n keep it up you are the fastest of the lap let's push to overtake" Y/n's engineer spoke to her over the radio.

"Copy" Y/n continued to put pressure since they were left with 4 laps till the checkered flag. She made sure Lewis knew someone was behind him and wanting the front, the next turn Y/n was determined to overtake Hamilton and when they turned Y/n brakes far too harshly and it caused her car to lift on its nose and spin in the air and collided over the wall. As various teams and drivers watched this horror occur in front of them, it was an eternal pain for Toto as he watched the car flip in the air for what felt like hours and when it finally collided over the wall and into the ground upside down he felt a ping in his chest as he imagined the worst.

"Someone tell me what's going on over at the McLaren garage NOW!" he stood up from his position and held his hands over his head and he looked pale as if he'd seen a ghost but in this case he could've just witnessed the death of his child. Nobody responded from the McLaren garage and Toto grew impatient wanting answers.

"HAVE WE SERIOUSLY GOTTEN NO RESPONSE!" He slammed his hands on the counter and he was over filled with worry not having an answer from anyone on the condition of his child. Meanwhile over at the McLaren garage they were trying to get her to respond to their radio calls.

"Y/n please respond are you okay?" The silence was dreading and with each second that passed the team grew impatient as the medical team drove over to Y/n. They all stood with worry expressions on their faces and continuous calls they received from other garages asking for an update.

"Do we have any update on Y/n?" lando came over the comms and they had just shown the red flag and waited on instructions.

"Ehm we don't yet have an update but please box until further notice" Lando cursed over the radio as he too was frustrated on no news of his partner. Meanwhile Y/n was knocked unconscious and was barley gaining any feeling. Y/n began to move around a bit as a shock of pain shot up her body as it reacted to the crash and she realized that she was upside down and the panic began to fill her head as she struggled to unbuckle her seatbelt. Once she was able to unbuckle she heard footsteps and a sense of relief flushed over her and she held her hand out and the emt waved over the rest to bring the stretcher, the EMT helped her out since the halo was in the way and Y/n was pretty banged up to do it herself. Toto had his head down as it had been nearly 5 minutes since any news and when they all gasped he looked up and saw as an EMT was helping Y/n walk over to the stretcher and being placed on it and her helmet and balaclava being taken off to reveal a couple cuts and soon to be bruises, a camera focused in on her face and she winced in pain as they touched her arm and only nodded to something they asked and looked over to the camera and held a thumbs up and in a way she directed it to everyone but mainly her father. The race was allowed to continue and once it was concluded every driver alongside Toto raced to the hospital where they had her under observation to check up on her.

"You had us worried there for a second Y/n" Lewis had a very worried expression on his face as he looked at all the bandages that were on her face and Y/n gave him a tight lip smile as she knew it must've felt terrible on their end as well.

"I know, I had blacked out for a long time and obviously couldn't communicate but as soon as I regained consciousness I did everything I could to get out of there, I promise to not scare you all next time" They all laughed at how she could still be humorous after an event that could've taken a bad turn but that was Y/n the light of the paddock, her and cheeky grin Daniel. They all saw the Wolff family walk in so they bid their farewells until they could see her again.

"Try staying alive would you?" Lando gave y/n a stern face as he went in for a hug and Y/n laughed and nodded. Her mother immediately hugged her as gently as she could not knowing her injury's and gave her kisses all over. Her little brother came to hug her and questioned why she was hurt as he did not understand. Toto stood there staring at her and her mother decided to take Jack for a snack while the two talked.

"Not my finest moment but hey I still got the Wolff looks" Y/n tried to joke but her father wouldn't have any of it.

"How can you be joking at a time like this y/n you COULD HAVE DIED!"


"Do you not understand what it felt like to see this all occur, to see how you wouldn't respond to any calls over radio" Y/n looked down as she understood the worry she put them all through. He rubbed his hands over his face in frustration and looked up at his daughter who looked at her hands and so he walked closer to the hospital bed and sat down near her hip and took her hands into his.

"As a father I will worry over you and your siblings, it is something I will always do and I know that it will upset you at times but I can't help it I'm just glad you are okay sweetheart" Y/n smiled at her father and both had tears in their eyes and wiped them and hugged each other tightly.

"I love you so much dad"

"I love you very much, never scare us like that again" Y/n laughed at his last words considering how you never know what you'll get out of each race.

"No promises but I'll do my best"

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