The process- Lando

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We sat there in silence. No one could say a single word, because what was last said simply broke the other. Y/n and Lando had fought a lot more in the last few months and there wasn't really a real reason behind it, or so Y/n thought. Lando had just said the reason why they had fought more and it was because he no longer loved her.

"Y/n, please something the silence is killing me" She scoffed and turned to face him.

"The silence is killing you? Oh I'm so sorry that this is so very hard for you Lando Norris, because this silence is far too much unlike my heart breaking into a millon pieces because the man I love doesn't love me anymore is nothing compared to that" She rolled her eyes as the tears all threatened to fall from her now glassy eyes. She rubbed her hands on her legs repeatedly out of frustration. He only watched as the girl in front of him crumbled at the words she spoke.

"I'm sorry Y/n truly"

"Please just go Lando" He hesitated for a moment as he saw her stare ahead of her with a blank face. He stood up despite his heart telling no, pleading him to stay but his mind wouldn't let him as he knew he damaged her. He bent down to give her a kiss on the top of her head and the tears fell down silently on her cheeks as she saw his feet move to walk away and the sound grow more silent until she was left alone with just her and the sound of her own sobs as she curled onto the couch her he once sat. He shut the door behind him and quickly turned around ready to open it again but he groaned angrily as he couldn't and instead turned to walk away with angry tears spilling down his eyes knowing he let her go over his own fear of commitment.
The days had passed by slowly and painfully for both Y/n and Lando and now it was race weekend and Y/n stood on the other side of the McLaren garage where her brother Daniel was and to him it was strange to see her stay more time on his side and not seem interested in Landos side. Little did he know both wanted everything to do with the other but of course they couldn't bring themselves to speak to each other. Lando kept glancing over from time to time to see her and it only broke him more knowing he couldn't go and hug and kiss her like he usually does. Y/n tried not to think about him but anytime she heard his name something in her would grow warm but then cold again when she realized where they were at now.

"Did you listen to a single thing I just said y/n/n" Y/n snapped out of her thoughts and looked over to her brother who was clearly worried.

"Sorry just spaced out is all" He shook his head and stood in front of her and she gave him a confused face.

"What's going on between you two?"

"Nothing" He rolled his eyes knowing that was complete bullshit.

"Come on now be serious"

"Dan THERES literally nothing going on because we're over" His face dropped and immediately hugged his little sister.

"What happened? Did he do something stupid!" She laughed at how quickly he became overprotective of her.

"He simply said he didn't love me anymore" He scoffed and pulled away from the hug and held her by the shoulders.

"That's complete bull, he wouldn't stop asking about you all yesterday during qualy, that man is over the moon for you he just probably got scared" She tilted her head in confusion.

"Scared of what?" He shrugged and was called over by his engineer. He hugged her and walked towards his car to get in for the race and soon after lando got into his and they were racing in Sochi.
The rain has come down harder and various teams had their drivers pit to switch tires and Lando was one that did not want to come in as he was leading the pack. Y/n had her headset on and was growing worried as he was stupid enough to stay out with slicks with the road being so wet with zero grip. She watched as Lewis pitted and then went out coming a bit far behind him and she watched as on a turn Lando lost total control of the car and it collided into one wall and pushed it back into track and off it again taking out back tires and one in front and it looked horrid. There was no radio communication from him and his engineers were trying hard to get him to respond. On track Sebastian came and checked on him from his car and confirmed movement and everyone at the McLaren garage let out a huge breath that they all held in and Y/n felt tears roll down her face. She saw how they helped him hop out of the car and they took him to the medic center to make sure all was good. Y/n made her way over and waited in the lobby as they checked him throughly before releasing him. When she saw him walk out with his helmet in hand and water in the other she immediately ran to him and hugged him causing him to stumble back a bit and taking him by surprise but he returned it with no second thought, digging his face into the crook of her neck taking in the sent he so longed for. Pulling away from each other he saw the tears she had streamed down her face and he immediately wiped them from her face and held her face with his hands.

"That was the most stupidest thing you've ever done Lando Norris." He chuckled lightly at her comment.

"What crashing? Definitely." She rolled her eyes at him.

"No, staying out with slicks in rainy weather! You've could've seriously been hurt." He smiled at how worried she was even with them no longer being together.

"I'm so sorry y/n/n" Y/n looked at him and could tell that sorry wasn't simply about the crash, that it had more behind it.

"Lando-" He cut her off and shook his head.

"No, I should have never ended things between us because not having you with me, not hearing your laugh and smelling that incredible perfume you wear has killed me because I let you go over my stupid worry over commitment because of what's happened in other relationships not realizing how different you are and how special you are. Y/n i love you with everything I've got and I can't go another day without you, and I know that when a guy does this it's usually in a more romantic manner and not pre-crash but-" He knelt to the ground leaving all his things to a side and grabbing her hands as her breath shook.

"Y/n after asking your brother for permission a while ago, will you please do me the honor in marrying me and never leaving my side no matter how insufferable I may be at times?" Immediately she shook her head yes and he smiled widely at her and stood up and kissed her passionately, no one else was in the room as they all were doing what they had to so this moment was just them.

"Here wear this ring of mine until we go and get a proper engagement ring for you" Y/n smiled at him as he handed her a ring in his pocket of one he wears on his index finger and as soon as she put it on it was far too big for her ring finger and they both laughed.

"I have an idea" She put her hands behind her neck as she reached for the latch of the necklace Lando had given her on their 4 year anniversary and it was a simply clean diamond chain and she put the silver ring in it. She put it back on and held where the ring was to show him and he looked at her with so much love in his eyes that he couldn't help but kiss her once again.

"It looks great on you, I promise I'll love you for the rest of my life and I'll never do such a stupid thing like letting you go again" She smiled at his words and held him from the side as he looked down at her.

"It was all part of the process" He walked out with her and his arm around her shoulder as they made their way back to the garage. The race had concluded and Daniel watched as they entered looking at one another and noticed a change in Y/n's necklace and made his way over to them.

"So I take it you guys are okay now?" The pair looked at one another and smiled then looked over at a very confused Daniel, Y/n held up her ring hand and he was confused since there wasn't anything on it.

"Oh crap wait, it's on my necklace" She showed him the ring and he smiled at them both.

"I promise I'll get her a proper ring as soon as we're out of here" Daniel couldn't help but tear up a bit and pulled them into a hug. They all ended the day with a dinner celebration and Lando in fact did get her a proper ring from Tiffany's and he never once let her go again.

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