"And I suggest you not play with dolls," Ragdoll said, fully turning his head around to face me.

"It's cool." I quickly changed my tone and let go of the bag. "Just take it."

I backed up, and suddenly Selena rushed forward and grabbed the bag.

"You won't get away with this," she hissed.

"Ooo, aren't you a tigress?" Ragdoll said.

"You have no idea."

I placed my hands on Selena's shoulder and arm, ready to stop her if she tried to pick a fight.

"Tootles!" Ragdoll said with a laugh as he ran out.

"Wow, uh, I should call the police," I said, nodding to Alfred as I left.

I sent Ragdoll's location to Bruce as I headed down to the cave. When I got in, I turned on the monitor connected to the Batmobile to see Bruce already dressed and speeding on the roads.

"Did you get Ragdoll's location?" I asked.

"How did you get a tracker on him?" Bruce asked.

"He stopped by during dinner. He's got one of your heirlooms in that backpack of his."

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, he didn't hurt anyone."

"Well, good job with the tracker."

"Thanks. I'll let you get back to it, I'll pop back in if I get any useful info."

Bruce's P.O.V.

I found Ragdoll speeding away on a motorcycle, and I was swinging after him when I crossed paths with Catwoman.

"What're you doing here?" I asked.

"Funny, I was about to ask you," she said.

I shot a grappling hook at Ragdoll's bike, stropping it and sending him flying off. He fell off of the bridge and into the water drainage system. I went to jump after him when I was bonded by a cord and I fell. I looked over to see Catwoman jumping over.

"Sorry, handsome," Catwoman said. "But Ragdoll's mine."

She jumped down, and I worked on getting the cord off of me. After a minute I saw her jump out on the other side, holding a bag. Out of it, she pulled out the artifact from my house. She waved and said a snide remark to Ragdoll before running away. I finally managed to get the bonds off of me, and I went to the edge to see Ragdoll escaping through a drainage pipe.

"About time I ended this game," I muttered.

I drove home and found Ella reading in the cave.

"I want to open the Gotham Clock Tower up for a public tour," I announced, and Ella looked up at me.

"Really?" She asked. "Why?"

"The legend of the Cat's Eyes. It's the perfect bait for Catwoman, and Ragdoll won't pass up the opportunity to get even with her."

"Well, then I'll make a call."

Ella's P.O.V.

The next morning, the opening of the Clock Tower was on the news. Bruce had been interviewed about it and acted like he didn't believe that the jewels were actually in the tower. The story of the jewels is that two large emeralds were supposedly hidden there by mobsters during the time of Bruce's grandfather, but no one had ever found them.

The day after that, Bruce and I were leading a tour inside the tower.

"The interior of the clock consists of three hundred-forty-one moving parts, including these giant gears, which were forged from twenty tons of iron," I informed. "Follow us."

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