Barry Allen

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Note: The Flash in this universe is a bit more... jumpy. More...playful? I can't find the right word.

Ella's P.O.V.

I was texting Barry when Bruce came into the room.

"Who are you texting?" Bruce asked.

"My brother, Barry," I said. "He wants to come visit."

Bruce thought for a moment and nodded.

"I would like to meet him," he finally said. "It's about time I meet your family."

"The thing is," I said sheepishly. "Barry is very... active, jumpy, hyper, I really can't find the perfect word."

Bruce chuckled and shook his head.

"I think I can handle him."

"But the thing is, Bruce... Barry is also the Flash." Bruce's eyes widened. "But you can't tell a soul! Don't even tell Barry I mentioned it! Please."

"I won't, I won't," Bruce assured. "I promise."

I nodded and started twiddling my thumbs together.

"Now I feel kind of bad for telling you..." I admitted. "I know how important secret identities are, and I just blew Barry's."

"Would you feel better if I told you I already knew?"

"Really? How?"

"I looked into your family after our first date. I noticed how some of Barry's actions were odd, and then you told me about his accident, and I put two and two together."

I couldn't help but grin and shake my head. 

"Well, I guess there's a reason why they call you the world's greatest detective." 

"When does he want to come?" Bruce asked.

I looked at my phone and my eyes widened.

"Today," I said. A second later, the doorbell rang. "Barry," I breathed out, hopping off of our bed and rushing to the front door.

I got there before Alfred and threw open the door to see Barry.

"Ella!" He said with a huge smile, hugging me.

"Barry!" I squealed, laughing.

"How have you been sis? Long time no see!" I laughed.

"I've been good, thanks. How have you been?"

"Great! Except for one thing." Barry leaned closer to my ear. "Dr. Wells is the Reverse Flash."

"Really?" I whispered. Barry nodded and I sighed. "I had my suspicions, but I didn't think it would be true."

"You must be Barry!"

I turned to see Bruce walking towards Barry and me. Barry smiled and held out his hand.

"And you must be Bruce," Barry said, the two shaking hands. "I've heard a lot about you."

"I can say the same about you."

I smiled as my brother and boyfriend talked as we went into the living room.

"How are Joe and Iris?" I asked Barry once we sat down.

"They've been great actually!" Barry said. "Nothing has happened to them really since you left." I smile, and Bruce took my hand in his.

Barry glared at our hands for a second, but then smiled.

"What about Cisco and Kaitlin?" I asked.

"Same as ever! Except, Cisco got... infected."

My eyes widened. That meant Cisco was a Meda-Human!

"Is he alright?" Bruce asked.

"Oh yeah," Barry quickly said. "It's actually a good kind of infection."

Bruce raised a brow and looked down at me. I smiled up at Bruce innocently and he smiled back. Barry's phone rang and he quickly pulled it out.

"Sorry," he said, answering his phone. "Hello?... I'll be there in a minute." Barry hung up. "Sorry, I have to go. Umm, CCPD stuff."

"Isn't Central City a few hours away?" Bruce asked.

I elbowed his ribs without Barry noticing, because I knew Bruce was smirking on the inside.

"Ummm, there's a new really fast train! Uhh, sorry I have to cut this short."

"It's fine, Bear," I said, getting up and hugging Barry. "Be safe," I whispered.

"I will," Barry replied. "It was nice meeting you, Mr. Wayne."

"The pleasure was all mine," Bruce insisted, getting up.

"I'll walk myself out."

Barry walked out, but I saw a slight red spark and I knew he had flashed out of the house. I elbowed Bruce again.

"Bruce!" I exclaimed.

"Yes?" He asked, looking down at me with an innocent look. I rolled my eyes.

"You know what. Don't push him into a corner like that!"

Bruce wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into him.

"Alright, Princess," he said before pecking me on the lips. "I won't."

"Thank you. Now I need to call Cisco."

"What's wrong with him?"

"I'm not sure. But he's like a brother to me, so I want to see if he's alright."

I walked out of the room and called Cisco.

"Ella!" He exclaimed, and I knew he was excited to hear from me. "Kind of in the middle of trying to stop the Reverse Flash. Can I call you back later?"

"Yeah, of course," I said. "But Barry told me that you got infected, so I wanted to make sure you were alright."

I could practically hear Cisco's smile.

"Thanks, Ella. I'm fine, really. Sorry, got to go! Ttyl!"

I laughed as Cisco hung up on me.

"He's fine," I said, looking up at Bruce and smiling. "Just umm, a little busy at the moment." Bruce smirked.

"Surrre," he said.

I rolled my eyes and took Bruce's left hand in both of mine. The Batwave went off and we both groaned.

"Stay safe," I said.

"I'll try."

Bruce pecked my lips and rushed down to the cave.

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