𝟒 ⌠ Mission?

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Beginning Author's Notes:
I'm starting to have a lot of trouble writing this. It's either going too fast or too slow and I genuinely don't know which is the one that's going on.


Chapter summary:
Ranpo talks with Nezu, checks up on Midoriya, teaches class 1-A math, and plays minecraft with Chuuya. Yes, he appears in this chapter.


As much as Ranpo hates heroes. He hates how stupid they are and how they're always sticking their noses in places they don't belong. He hates how they always spout out their stupid speeches about villains.

And as much as he hates how these kids were made to think that heroes are the only source of light in the world. He still has a heart.

Just because they're kids trying to become heroes, doesn't mean he has a reason to actually dislike them. It's not their fault for having been told what's right and what's wrong.

And right now, he will talk to the principal about this.

"So, Ranpo, what brings you here?" Nezu asks and sips a bit from his cup of tea, Ranpo only glared at him. "About these kids..." he paused, he really didn't think this conversation through. "What do you see in them that they ended up in 1-A instead of all the other students with actual potential?" He continued. He could remember a few he met before.

Monoma was it? Yeah, that guy had a great quirk and yet he didn't end up in 1-A. He remembered someone named Shinsou, he wasn't in the hero course, but damn that brainwashing quirk of his is amazing.

And he rarely compliments quirks, compliment anyone much less.

Nezu only hummed, "what do you mean, Ranpo?" Ranpo's expression darkened, "you know what I exactly mean." He meant the morals, the greediness, the pride, it was all just too sickening for Ranpo. Yet they still call themselves the heroes.

Nezu only sighed, knowing he wouldn't stand a chance at lying at Ranpo, "It's not my choice, unfortunately. I completely agree with you, there are students that are so much better. But the teachers already picked them, it was not me and I didn't have a say in this." He solemnly stated.

"I did say some suggestions, but they ignored them." He paused taking a look at Ranpo, who was patiently listening and slowly calming down, "All might put them into 1-A." Of course it was him, the so-called symbol of peace.

"And I very much agree with your thoughts on the hero society, they're all too corrupt. It's sickening." They shared a knowing glance, "I'm still trying to make them change their ways. Having only powerful and flashy quirks to show off in the hero world and eliminate the 'weak' and 'unflashy' ones is a waste." Ranpo nodded his head in agreement.

Detective Substitute - Bsd x Mha Fic / Edogawa Ranpo-centricWhere stories live. Discover now