"That he did not tell me," he confessed. "Did he tell you how it was possible?"

"No," I said. "You came."

"Ah. So you were there when I came? How long were you there for?" He asked. "Who initiated things? You know what? Don't tell me. I don't want to know."

He went back to eating.

"I didn't initiate but I didn't stop him either," I said. "I was there for about fifteen minutes."

He closed his eyes and stopped chewing. "This is definitely worse than I could imagine."

He got off the bed and started pacing. "Now that I think about it, maybe it would be better for you two to just bang it out and get it out of your system. Plus you're pregnant so we won't have to worry about that. Hell maybe you'll pick him and he'll be raising my children," he shouted.

Ezra came bursting through the door. "I told you not to tell him. Jace you have to calm down."

"Calm down. You want me to calm down," he shouted. "Tell her to go back in time and never fucking touch him."

"Addison, get out of here. It's not safe," Ezra said.

"What? You think I'm going to hurt her? Maybe like she hurt me? Who is she closest to? Maybe I should go fuck them," Jace yelled.

I closed my eyes and went back to the moment when I left for Aiden's. Instead I went and took a shower. I watched a movie with my little brothers until Jace came home.

Ezra came into my room. "I know what you did. You can't keep doing that. He still remembers what happened. The only thing you did was blind Jace. Now how are you going to tell him about Aiden's immunity?"

"I got scared. I never saw him so angry," I said.

"But I was handling it. You have to trust me. Listen to what I say and do it. This is not a game Addison. Something is very wrong and I can't see it," he said. "Now you'll probably have to sleep with him."

"With who? Aiden? I'm not doing that," I said.

"How do you trust that you  haven't already," he said. "Who's babies are those?"

"Stop it. I didn't sleep with Aiden and I'm not going to," I said, right as Jace walked in.

"What was that?" He asked.

"Nothing. Ezra was just teasing me because I am pregnant," I said.

"What? You took a test. It was negative," he said. "Let's go check with the doctor."

"Ezra, can you put the boys to bed?" I asked.

When we got back from the hospital he was over the moon. I've never seen him so happy. I cuddled him in bed until I fell asleep. He was gone when I woke up. I guess he was always going to bring me breakfast.

This time I picked waffles and the omelet. He started with oatmeal. He was in such a good mood it was contagious. We made love then visited my parents at the hospital.

My dad was in better spirits which told me my mother was doing better. My mother still hadn't regained consciousness so we didn't stay long. My dad was still debating letting Jace heal her.

On the walk home, I couldn't contain myself. I decided to tell Jace about what happened, come what may. I told him about the bond and how I was attracted to Aiden.

He didn't seem so murderous this time. He gave me a hug and thanked me for telling him.

"You know the solution is simple," he said.

Redemption of the Moon GodWhere stories live. Discover now