14 𝘔𝘈𝘙𝘊𝘏 • 2017

Start from the beginning

"Sorry, miss..."

"Right." She said, and then continued to address the class about the lesson; choosing to move on.

Chan just sighed, his face flushing with embarrassment as he held his head in his hands.

"Seungmin, your book." Changbin piped up, reaching over his desk to hand the brunette's book back to him.

Seungmin went to thank him, but was stopped when Changbin mouthed "Is he okay?" as he pointed at a solemn-looking Chan.

Seungmin shrugged and looked back at the mentioned boy, noticing how he stared down sadly at his exercise book.

"I don't know..." Seungmin whispered back.

Though, sooon enough, he was back focusing on the lesson, trying his best not to get too distracted by the melancholy Chan on his left.

At one point, they had to participate in a partner discussion, but all Chan could do was make small noises of agreement without really contributing much.

Where had his fun teasing side gone, all of a sudden? Why was he now so... Upset? It couldn't have been Seungmin, could it?

As those thoughts circled in Seungmin's head, the lesson was coming to a close, and as the brunette was packing up his stuff he heard his teacher mention: "If you haven't finished all of your notes from this lesson, I'll be giving you a lunchtime detention, on Friday!"

A guilty pang hit Seungmin right in the stomach, and he took notice of a down-trodden Chan, who picked up his book and flicked through it to find barely any notes written down.

Feeling suddenly bad, and a little like he wanted to redeem himself, Seungmin pulled his book back out, and offered it in Chan's direction.

"So you can copy the notes." He said with a small smile, nodding in the direction of the book in his hands.

Chan looked like he was about to decline it at first, as if it were saving his dignity to refuse the help, but decided against it when he recognised the offering as a treaty of peace.

"Thanks." He smiled back gently, taking the book and fitting it carefully into his bag.

"When do I give it back to you?" He asked, just as the two were allowed to leave; being dismissed by their teacher.

"Just, whenever you see me next." Seungmin shrugged, "I'm sure you've got a good memory."

Chan mumbled something quietly under his breath, too quiet for Seungmin to hear it.

"What was that?" He asked, as if it was meant for him.

"Oh, nothing. Don't worry." Chan reassured, and then he was disappearing down the corridor.

Seungmin watched his figure retreat, and then let out a guilty sigh.

That was a weird lesson.

Later that evening, Seungmin was on his bed again; texting Sangkwan with no response.

It was getting aggravating that he had been getting no replies from the boy recently, but what was he to expect? Huh?

They were only holding onto the relationship due to the unexplainable fear of being the 'bad person' in the couple.

That was how Seungmin felt, at least. He had no idea how Sangkwan felt, since he wouldn't talk at all.

In fact, just as he was texting Sangkwan his fifth: 'You there?' message, that week, he suddenly got a random notification from an unknown number.

What was weird about it, too, was that it didn't look like a spam message... It was just a regular number, with the regular 'Hey' text.

Surely it was just a wrong number situation, right?

Seungmin decided text back.

←         "Unknown Number"       🎥 📞 ⋮

14 March, 2017
7:27 pm


i'm sorry but you probably have the wrong number

i don't know who this is


I got your number off of Minho

Who got it off of Jisung

This is Chan btw



why do you need my mumber?


I just wanted to say, 1) thank you for the book

And 2) are you free after school anytime this week?

uhh why?

I need to talk to you about something

you're not gonna kill me are you?

Oh god no

I'm not that much of an asshole

at least you're self aware

Look, that's what I wanted to talk about

I would tell you what it is, but sadly I have to go and eat now

Let me know if you're free to meet though

Enjoy your evening :)

wait no

wdym 'that's what i wanted to talk about'


channn come backkk


Seungmin closed his messages app with a sigh.

# •°彡

uploading this a bit late, but at least you guys got one :D

(probably very typo-heavy, i skim-edited, sorry)

bit of a back story chapter coming your way though?

very excited to finally explain chan's life in australia, it's pretty deep

you guys will probably either love him or hate him >:) i am interested to see which


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