Shot One - A Familiar Face

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Anne huffed as she entered the school building. She was late. The interviewer held her for too long.

While searching for her phone, she walked inside. Her anxiety was increasing as she couldn't find it in her bag. Damn. She left it in the office. How careless could she be? Now, Tyson would have a new excuse. She took a seat and closed her eyes, trying to calm herself. Co-parenting could be tough, especially when the ex had no interest to keep up with his responsibilities.

She opened her eyes when a click of heel reached her earshot. Quickly, her eyes met the green pair and she flashed a smile—at Miss. Janice; her son's teacher. Today, it was a parent/teacher meeting and she had to be here for Adrian. Janice said it was important.

When their brief eye contact broke, Janice went inside the classroom with some child's parents. She looked around to find Adrian somewhere. He must have been in the auditorium room with his friends. While feeling some heat scorching her left ear, she followed the direction. Her eyes blinked in awkwardness before she gave him a once-over. It was a man dressed in a fine suit, golden hair and light-blue eyes like her own. He was smiling at her. Anne couldn't help but detect a sudden familiarity. She was familiar with this smile.

Her eyes narrowed curiously. "Do we know each other?" She tilted her head as she asked politely.

"Anne Miller," The man had himself saying with a profuse smile, startling Anne. She let out a small scoff and nodded her head.

"Yes, that I'm, Mister..." She hinted at a question.

"Gideon," He replied and right there it clicked. Five years of friendship, cycling, sky-gazing and guitar partner and also her favourite classmate before she moved here, to Canada.

"Gideon..." Her voice pitching a little high with excitement. "Gideon Ray Greyson, is that you Mister," She playfully pointed a finger at him. Gideon laughed and nodded brightly.

"You caught me," He leaned closer when she invited him for a hug.

"Oh dear, you have changed so much," They both had it with warm kisses on the cheeks.

"No, not really," Gideon said, chuckling.

"What a surprise," Anne retreated and intently looked at him, her gaze soft and appreciative.

"You too. I mean I never thought I would find such a beautiful surprise in my son's school," Gideon admitted, scratching his nape.

"You have a son too?" Anne's smile widened, she looked genuinely happy for him.

Gideon smiled shyly and nodded. "Yeah, a beautiful four-year-old,"

"Me too. I'm so glad to hear it. Tell me his name. Maybe our sons could be friends too and I could know your wife through him," Anne chirped. Gideon kept his soft eyes on her but the spark subdued a little. Anne didn't fail to notice.

"Um, my wife, ah. My wife is off to a good place. She died the day Ethan was born, so..." Hearing him say it, Anne's smile faltered. Her heart squeezed at his words and an instant regret filled her chest.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..tsk. I hope you are okay now," She put her hand on his knee. Gideon's smile became a little softer.

"You don't need to be sorry. That's life and shit happens," He shrugged off the awkwardness. Anne agreed with a nod.

Just in time, they both heard their munchkins. "Mom!" Adrian shouted and followed Ethan, "Dad!"

Both the parents looked behind Anne's back and grinned. Both little boys stormed to their respective parents' arms. Anne hugged Adrian tightly and moaned in his embrace. "There you are, little guy," She pulled away and plunged a kiss on his forehead.

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