After washing the flour off of his hair and body Xander said good bye to Rhys who was going to spy on the mortals queens in the continent.

Xander stood on the balcony in Azriel's room and looked over the city. His arms resting on the railings. His mind was running a mile per hour. So many things, so many things he has to consider. And most of all he missed Gavin. If only there was a way to let him know that he was alright. Yes he could go to the human lands but he wasn't sure if he was ready for it. He missed talking with him, their training, both of them torturing the boys coming for training and mainly he missed their banters.

Large hands wrapped around his waist and pulled him back into a hard chest slightly wet with water, indicating that Azriel has just gotten out of shower. Azriel peppered kisses along his neck and sucked right below his ears. Xander sighed.

"What's wrong, minxie?" Azriel asked him. How he knew something was wrong? Xander had no idea. "Nothing," Xander shrugged his shoulders.

Azriel turned him around and hooked his fingers under his chin. He raised his head. Hazel and grey collided together. "Tell me, minxie."

"I miss Gavin. I miss everything that has to do with.." my human life. He wanted to say. He missed the days were his only problems was dealing with over active kids and teaching them how to fight. He missed the days were he would constantly pester his twin till she chases him around the house and do something. He would gladly soak himself in water or mud if she just asked him. It was like the part that they shared was never there. It was like a hole in his chest.

Azriel understanding what he meant just pulled him into his chest. Xander breathed in the scent of chilled mist and cedar and relaxed. The tight muscle on his shoulders loosened as Azriel hands wound around his neck.
"Do you want to see him?"
"No. I don't if I am ready."
He was glad Azriel didn't ask him any further.
"Are you free today?" Azriel asked him. Xander sighed. "Can't. Our beloved high lord has given me home work to do in the library. 'I would be expecting you to recite every single thing about the history this evening' his words not mine."
"Prick," Azriel muttered. "Tonight then."
"What are you planning shadow singer?" Xander asked him. "It's a surprise," Azriel rubbed his nose with his. "Let's get you to the library."

It was well into the afternoon when Xander was able complete everything Rhys told him to. His brain was mushy from all the facts floating around. He felt like he would vomit if he studied anymore. He lazily strode along the streets of Velaris till he reached the town house.

He ate lunch with Azriel and recounted his miserable day to him. "If I knew I was going to do home work I would have feigned sleep this morning," Xander told Azriel. Azriel froze in the middle of chuckling. Xander knew that look. He was talking with Rhys.

"Everything alright?"
"Feyre's in trouble," was the only thing he said right before the door to the town house was thrown open Mor and Cassian were there. The latter in all of his glory, siphons and weapons gleaming. Azriel tapped the siphon on his chest and his own armour spread onto his body.
"I am coming with you," Xander told him and fastened the straps of his dual daggers to his thighs. "Don't argue on this one Azriel."

Mor winnowed them to winter border and said she would act as distraction. Xander's heart pounded in his chest as he jumped into Azriel's arms. Cold air whipped his face and cheeks and ears tinted red from the frost.

He closed his eyes and concentrated on Azriel. His own shadows whipped around his body warming him up. Azriel kissed his hair line.
"Listen, minxie.."
"I promise I will be careful Az," he quickly leaned up and kissed him. The frozen lake came into view. That's when he saw it. His sister gagged and dragged down along the ice by a red head. Before Azriel could contemplate what was happening Xander slipped out of his arms. Like a cannon aiming for its target Xander soared to his sister.

A shadow slammed into the lake before Feyre, cracking the ice toward very horizon.

No not a shadow.
At first she couldn't see past the shadows around the male. But the fury and glittering golden brown hair caught her attention.
Xander was here.
Alive and well. But his eyes.
Mother above his eyes were golden.

A broken sob escaped her through the fire gag around her mouth. The ice shuddered under the fury and anger radiating from her brother. Another two shadows slammed into the ground. Azriel and Cassian.

As swift as wind Xander winnowed. Feyre's breath caught in her throat when she saw Xander disappear into he darkness like Rhys. He appeared right before Eris and punched him in the throat. Eris let her go with a whimper.

Feyre watched in awe as shadows skittered from her brother and wound around Eris's neck. Xander's fist tightened and Eris whimpered in pain. Twin Illyrian blades one silver and other onyx found it's way into Xander's arms. The silver blade punched through Eris gut. Eris screamed as blood as red as rubies stained the snow. Shadow choked Eris tighter to muffle his scream.

At that moment Xander lost all of his control. He didn't stop when Feyre told him to stop. A soft caress on the mating bond snapped him back to reality. He looked around, the fighting was ceased Feyre was safe at Cassian's side. Xander let Eris go with a punch to his jaw which sent bold spraying onto the ice.

He reached Azriel at Feyre's side. His eyes were still blazing golden. With a slight touch of Azriel's hand the gold irises disappeared.
"You all deserve to die for this. And for much, much more. But I am going to spare your miserable lives," Feyre's voice washed over him. Xander looking at her. Her disheveled state only stroked his fury further. So he glared at the red headed male, Lucien, his twin sister's mate.

"I am the high lady of night court," Feyre's quiet voice washed over them. "There is no such thing as High Lady," one of the red heads spat. Xander snarled in warning and his eyes flashed. The male recoiled.
"There is now," Feyre smiled.
"Take me home," Feyre told them. "Take us both home," she looked at the red head standing ear him. She turned to the red heads , "We'll see you on the battle field."

"I will winnow," Xander told Azriel and kissed his cheeks. Which didn't escape anyone's attention. He just gave his sister a wink and winnowed to where Mor was waiting.
"Are you alright?"
"I am fine. We all are fine," he said and gazed into the horizon waiting for a tiny specks of dots to indicate their arrival.

He flung himself into Feyre's arms. He didn't wait till she got her footing right. His arms tightened around her. She held him as tightly as him. They stood there for a moment and held each other. Reassuring that the other was definitely with one another.

When Feyre released him Azriel gripped his arm and whisked him away.
"That was reckless jumping out of my arms," Azriel told him voice low. "But it was hot, wasn't it?" Xander smirked and pressed himself against Azriel's hard on. "I suppose it was," Azriel muttered and captured his lips in a searing kiss.

Feyre cleared her throat. Xander cracked open his eyes to see his sister wide eyed. "To the town house, there is someone waiting for you," Mor told them and she winnowed them to the town house.

A Court of shadows and loveWhere stories live. Discover now