chapter twenty-three

Start from the beginning

Sae sneaked around the dozens of shelves, being careful as to not be seen by her friends, before climbing the stairs and slipping through the unlocked door, a book between them so it wouldn't lock again. Once inside she started her search. 

She was tempted to take more books, there were millions of things here she would be eager to know about, things no one knew excpet for the people that lived during those moments. But she finally found the book she wa looking for. Dark brown leather coated it, it looked as old as it was.

The only problem was, it was on the top shelf and she couldn't see any ladder around. With a sigh, she carefully stopped on the first shelf, then second, then third, before extending her hand out, barely reaching the book. She grunted, holding on with one hand, pushing herself on her tiptoes. She finally reached it with her fingers, bringing it closer to her. She managed to grab it, and she would've went down quitely. If it wasn't for  Riven.

"I'm gettin Deja Vu.", he commented, scaring her and making her slip on the shelf she was standing on. It felt like slow motion  when she fell, hitting the hard floor with her butt, the book falling next to her. "Holy shit, you scared me.", she gasped, he was by her side now, helping her get up from the floor as he chuckled. "Are you okay?", he tried to stop himself from bursting out laughing when she sent him a death glare.

"What are you doing here anyway?", she asks him, pushing the book behind her with her leg. "What I'm doing here? I should be asking you that?", he raised his brows in question. "We found a book. Terra said it should be in the archives.", she shurgged nonchalantly. "And the archives happened to be unlocked.", he mused, not believing her, but still not asking further. And Sae was grateful for that once again. Because she knew he must've seen her sneaking inside and he must've seen she wa trying to take a book and not put it back. 

"Something like that.", she answered, not wanting to lie to him further than needed. He nods his head, titling it towards the exit. "Come on, they're gonna notice we're gone.", he said simply before starting to walk out. Sae sighed in relife, crouching down to pick the book up. Taking her jacket off, she put it around the book so they couldn't see it, leaving her only in a tight short sleeved crop top. 

"Oh, look who's back!", Sky teased as the two emrged from behind one of the shelves. "If you went out to smoke and left us to work-", he tsarted but before he could finish Riven gave him a look. "We didn't. But now that you mention it. We should've definitely done that.", he nudged Sae lightly with his elbow, a light chuckle escaping her. 

"You two finish this, we're gonna go help Musa and Grey.", Bloom said, winking at them before pulling a confused Sky away. Sae turned to Riven, the same confused face on her own. "What was that?", she reffered to Bloom's wird winking, but Riven only shurgged. "Who knows, maybe she's gonna go suc-", he didn't manage to finsih, Sae slapping him on the back of his head. "Gross." He ony laughed before they went to finish the work. 

Musa and Bloom walk inside of the suite just as the rest of the girls were moving furniture around. "Redocrating?", Bloom asks. "Sorry. We need a bit more space for Musa's convergence ceremony.", Aisha says. "My con-what ceremony?" 

"Come on, we better start. We have a test in two hours and I don't wanna miss it.", Aisha says, befoer pushing away the carpet. "We have a test?", Stella questions, while Aisha shakes her head. "Water fairies.", now it was Sae's turn to look at her beliwdered. "We have a test?", Aisha rolls her eyes. "I'll help you, now come on."

Musa takes the crystal Aisha handed her and takes a seat on the floor. "Not looking to gift a horse in the mouth or anything but... how dangerous so you expect this little excersise to be?"

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