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IMPORTANT: im only really gonna brief over the 1st selection and some of the 2nd selection, so i would strongly recommend that you have already read the manga or are at least aware of what happens in blue lock after the second selection arc

AND, i also have absolutely no experience in soccer so please don't flame me if i get info wrong, i will try my best to educate myself about the sport but for now please bear with me !!


character information;

name: m/n kagami

height: 180cm (5'10)

age: 17 at the start of 1st selection, 18 after the u20 match

build: im writing m/n to be quite a skinny and lean dude who doesn't care much for working out and gaining muscle so hes generically a lot physically weaker than the rest of the cast (doesn't mean he can't fight 🔥)

ALSOO,, reader is obviously a male, idk i just find it so weird and icky when people make bllk fics with females that some how get into blue lock disguised as a dude like tf?? ☠️ anyway yeah there fr has to be more male bllk fics made bro like its so surprising how its a show with literally one female character in it and ppl still manage to make more fics w girls even tho the national japanese soccer team physically cant have any girls like what?? 😭 anyway enough w my rant lets continue


likes: juice boxes, sleep

dislikes: physical activity

has an older brother named akira 



m/n was born into the kagami household, in which the father happens to be the owner of a very prestigious and wealthy company named the kagami federation. since m/n has an older brother, he's only the heir once akira is unable to run the organisation any longer. 

m/n's parents are quite strict though are caring and considerate of what m/n wants to do. in the hobbies aspect, m/n is able to anything he wants as long as he benefits from it.

since m/n heavily dislikes physical activity, he was really against pe. what this lead to was m/n being expelled from his old, quite luxurious school, the cause being the fact that he punched his pe teacher in the face and caused permanent brain damage. (HELP LMFAOO I CANT WITH THIS 😭) 

m/n had to move schools, and since education wasn't one of his parents greatest concerns as he was already doing well in studies, they suggested him going to a public school, in which m/n agreed to, and thats where we are now.

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