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You slowly pulled out the chair that was next to the mysterious man, and waited until class got back to normal before actually sitting down.

The guy looked at you for a second then grinned, sharp canines showing through the side of his mouth.

"Why're you here? Ya seem a little to pretty to be at a school like this" He smirked, slowly turning back around to face the front of the room.

"Ehh, well I was kicked out of my old school, actually!" You beamed, personality doing a 180, which surprised everyone around you, including the man next to you. 

The shocked face quickly reverted back to normal when he asked a question. "May I ask why?" Though it really didn't seem like a friendly question.

"I was charged for one, mm, no, maybe two acts of aggravated assault." You calmly said, as if it was normal.

The man nodded, not one bit phased.

He already seems cool.

"That's happens to me a lot in soccer but the rest of the team are just annoying little bitches that can't handle anything." He muttered, looking rather annoyed before stifling a mocking laugh.

"Oh, you play soccer too?" You asked, slightly surprised, slowly turning to look at the man.

At this, he perked up before a wicked grin spread across his face.

"How long?" He asked, jumping straight to the point.

"Hmm, I'll only tell you if I get to know your name." You childishly retorted.

"Shidou Ryusei." He grinned, then spoke again.

"Now your part of the deal."

"Alright, alright. I played a little when I was younger with Sae-chan before he moved to Spain and then I stopped so I haven't played for around 2 years?" You questioned yourself, trying to remember that last time you kicked a soccer ball in an actual game.

"Wait, Sae? As in, like, Itoshi Sae?" Shidou stumped up, looking at you expectantly, one eyebrow perked up.

"Yupyup!" You answered, popping the 'p' at the end.

Shidou just nodded in response, quickly accepting the fact. i mean, he was talking with a member of the Kagami family after all.

"You should play soccer with me." He suddenly stated, turning to you with an even larger grin on his face, showing off his teeth that could probably bite someones arm off.

"Huh?" You whispered in surprise, looking at Shidou with slightly widened eyes.

"Are ya deaf or what? So? Yes or yes?" He reprimanded, rolling his eyes in the process.

You stared at him for a good 10 seconds before facing the front of the class and smirking before letting out a small laugh.

"You're a weirdo, you know that?"

Shidou's grin only widened.

"So, when do we start?"


It was the end of the school day, and now it was apparently time for practice.

You stood near your locker, emptying out your books before quickly jogging up to an already irritated Shidou.

"You coming or not, huh pip squeak?" 

"Your only 5 centimeters taller than me." 

Shidou immediately stopped and quickly swished around to look at you.

Egoist (Blue Lock x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now