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As time passed, more and more people began to enter through the door, of course waiting for the next person to finish, and Ryusei was getting restless.

"That's it!" He yelled in rage, though that stupid grin was still on his face.

"I'm going next." He shouted once again, pushing past the line of people who were waiting, and before anyone could protest, they immediately backed down once looking at the sheer gaze of hunger present in Ryusei's eyes.

But before he walked in, he turned to look at you.

"And you better be quick."

"Ehe. No promises." You stuck out your tongue.


After 2 more people went in, you also decided that it was getting pretty boring, so you decided to line up, but that was also pretty boring, so what better thing to do than to push in?

"Hey. Can I go next?" You casually asked the person, who was walking up the soccer crate with a laid back tone.

"H-huh? No way man! I waited to get into this stupid selection before you anyway!" He yelled, irk marks already forming along his forehead.

You really didn't want to resort to violence, so you decided on the next best thing.

"Pleaseee-" You begged, looking up at the poor guy with round, doe eyes, and in response, the man was only able to splutter.

"Don't think that shit will work on me, moron! I'm not that kind of man!!"

"Eh, really? But I can totally picture us being best friends after this" You batted your eyelashes, and this is when he completely broke.

"F-fine, fine! Just go in, whatever." He muttered, finishing the statement off rather quietly, giving quite the diversity to his previous loud and rowdy behaviour.

At the agreement, you smiled then picked up a soccer ball and immediately walked away, people still staring in confusion at the interaction that had just happened.

Walking into the gate, soccer ball in hand was when you finally let out a laugh, arm raising to your mouth to cover it rather sinisterly. 

"Pfft. What a pathetic, fucking idiot."


Inside the area was interesting, to say the least.

There was the normal field of fake grass and the room itself was shaped into a perfect square-like formation with the classic blue lock tiles for walls and a symbol of the classic blue lock pentagon smacked right in the middle of the field.

Upon entering the room is when you realised that at some point, you let go of the ball you were previously carrying, meaning you literally had nothing to do in this place, but that worry was immediately washed away when a dispenser opened up from the wall behind you and popped out a soccer ball, rather casually, at that.

As soon as the ball shot at you, you trapped it with your foot, but that action seemed to trigger the system as a 'whoosh' sound was heard from behind you, and when you turned around, you were met with the sight of a blue hologram, which was currently standing in front of the goal in a proper goalie position.

'Theres a goal net projected on the panels behind him. So I was right, of course. It is some sort of scoring exercise.' You thought to yourself in wonder but soon realised that the area around you was some how getting smaller with the illusion of some sort of light effect.

"Training for different situations in front the goal. Assessing the situation.." You began, raising your foot to kick the ball. "Then find a way to slip past the goalie!" You finished, and before the hologram would register anything, the ball was already in the net.

A loud ring echoed through the room, and blue lock man kicked the ball back to a place you hadn't yet identified while another hologram appeared just slightly above the net.

It stated the stage number, the amount of time you had and how many more goals you had left to score.

"I was spot on. 100 goals in an hour and a half is easy." You muttered, a large grin forming on your face.

Could this be a sign, an awakening of your true egoism?



Egoist (Blue Lock x Male Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ