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Starting at a new school is always irritating.

The glances that you get while walking to class in the hallway, the overly sappy teachers trying to lead you around the school so you have a 'nice time' is complete bullshit, though in this instance, joining a new school wasn't all that of a problem. 

You were expelled from your old school, and for quite a serious reason, court said, so you were unable to attend any private schools in Japan for the rest of your life. Bummer.

But, since private schools were out of the question, getting into a public school was pretty easy. Of course, the act of 'aggravated assault' was removed off of your record and wasn't mentioned to the public because there really isn't anything money can't buy, and including the fact that you are indeed a minor. So, if a student that has records from extremely prestigious schools, exceptional grades, and was born into a wealthy family, which also happens to be the owners of one of the biggest corporations in Japan, were to ask for their kid to enroll into a public school, what would happen?

They would get accepted, of course. And would also get supreme treatment which made the rest of the school feel like dirt. 

This was M/n's situation right now.


"First day of school, huh?" Your mother smiled warmly, though there was a visible hint of urgency in her tone. An important meeting was your guess.

"Yep!" You popped the 'p' near the end of your sentence, turning to the older women and smiling a toothy grin, sharp, almost canine like cuspids showing from the gesture.

Your mother put her hand to her cheek, feigning worry. "Oh dear, your teeth over there-" She pointed to the set of teeth that were sharper and longer than the rest and continued talking, "Are quite long. Please refrain from biting anyone." She joked, letting out a laugh.

You turned back around and let out a similar sounding laugh before hearing a door creak, and soon footsteps.

An old man, who looked roughly in his 60's stepped out of the door and revealed himself.

"Ah! Mr. Abe! Glad you're here, now if you'll excuse me, I have to leave now. Please take care of M/n." Your mum said, kind facade dropping instantly as soon as she walked out of the door, not even letting the teacher respond.

"Your mother is quite a busy lady, huh?" The man, now known as Mr. Abe laughed, glancing down at you.

"Yeah." You said, the cheerful attitude now completely gone.

"Alright," The teacher let out a cough. "You already took the orientation, correct?" He asked to which you nodded. 

"Perfect. So I assume you're already situated, if not have a basic idea on what to do? If you don't feel confident we can of course bring in someone to help you around the first week!" Mr. Abe stated cheerfully, despite the large bags under his eyes.

You smiled an overly sweet smile while looking up at the man before speaking. "It's alright. I have pretty good memory anyway."

"Uh, are you sure? We can definitely send someone-" He began but was cut off.

"Nah, its cool. I'm not leaving don't worry!" You stated, grinning inwardly while the teacher widened his eyes before straightening up and laughing awkwardly.

"Alright, well.. If you need any help with classrooms, please tell me or any other staff member, or, of course you could ask the students. It is my job as principal to keep you situated after all!" He smiled, arm reaching behind and grabbing a document from a table before looking back at you then at the papers.

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