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As soon as the bus stopped and the two of you along with all the other people on the vehicle stepped outside, you were all greeted with a large, rectangular building that had the words 'Blue Lock' imprinted on it.

"Welcome to blue lock. Now then, we're gonna collect your wallets and phones." A women, who was standing in front of the 'blue lock' entrance said, Shidou making quick work of his phone and sad excuse of a wallet.

"Ehh, Hey, what's your name?" You pointed at the female, you flinched before spluttering a response.

"A-ah! Anri! I mean- that's my name- Anri." She said, quickly composing herself though the embarrassed blush remained on her cheeks. 

"Okay, do you have any plastics bags? I only brought my card and i forgot to bring an actual wallet." You casually said, casting a quick glance at Shidou who was idly standing outside the door.

Anri perked up. "Ah, yes! You can just put in here, and if you could write your name on it that would be great!" She whilst handing you a zip lock bag with a pen placed in side of it.

Digging through your pockets, you finally reached your card. 

The gloss of the plastic caught the sun, and it shone slightly before you reached for the bag and took it out of Anri's hands.

Curious, the women peered over, and her eyes went wide, jaw dropping at the same time while looking at the card.

It was a black card.

With your name on it and everything.

As to be expected of the Kagami family, she sweat dropped.

Dropping the card in, you uncapped the lid on the pen and quickly wrote your name on the bag, handwriting messy because you were writing on unstable, wobbly plastic.

"Here." You handed her back the bag before almost speed walking away.

"Uh you forgot your phone!" She called back.

"God dammit."


"Oi, pipsqueak, did ya get that body suit thing that chick was handing out?" Shidou asked, though it was more of a statement than a friendly question.

"Oh, yeah." You lazily muttered, already wanting to go home.

"What number?"


"Hah! I got 140R" Shidou cockily replied back, though we both knew he really didn't care about rankings.

"Yeah, well this is based off of strikers, after all. I've been playing as a mid fielder all my life anyway." You muttered, Shidou agreeing silently, concentrated on finding the room that had the letter R on it.

After only a couple minutes of walking the two of you were able to find the room, much faster than before, might I add.

"Well I assume this is it" You deadpanned, pointing at the door that had a giant R on it, while Shidou grinned.

It was a black door with a small 'room' and a large 'T' under it.

"Let's just get this over and done with." You said, letting out a yawn. God, you really did regret staying up till 4am playing valorant of all games.

Walking up to the door, you were going to push it open before Shidou beat you to it and raised his arm above you, walking in behind you then letting the door close.

The room was square shaped and had around 20 other people there, all of them either already wearing the weird body suits or changing into them.

The stares quickly dispersed as you and Shidou walked further into the room and headed towards the array of lockers and tables on the right side, soon placing down the plastic wrapped body suits.

Shidou already began to take of his shirt as he was barely wearing any layers, what a freak 'cuz gosh, it was freeing outside, but besides the point, you were wearing quite a few layers.

After Shidou changed, he idled around the lockers, waiting for you to finish while squaring up the rest of the people in the room with his stare.

After finishing, you folded all of your clothes in a neat pile then shut the locker door, and while you and Shidou were getting dressed, more people must have walked in as the doors were now closed and there seemed to be 25 in the room, only a couple more than before.

Once everyone had changed, there was only very little time for idle talk as the big screen at the back of the room, which you surprisingly hadn't noticed, turned on, and the same guy with the wack ass haircut and creepy smile appeared, tainting the screen.

"Are you done changing, you unpolished gems?" He gruffly asked, seeming to get comfy in his chair as he tested the mic. "Hi. Hi."

"The others in your room are both your roommates.. and your rivals, meant to push each other higher. I've used my personal judgement to quantify your abilities and rank you. The number on your uniform symbolises your current rank." Ego finished.

At that statement, you looked around, trying to find the person with the lowest number, and that's when you spotted him.

He looked quite ordinary, if anything, there was barely anything to describe him off of except for the fact that he was pretty short, well compared to everyone else in the room.

"That ranking will change daily and will go up or down depending on training and game results. Finally, those who register in the top five will be automatically registered in the tournament happening six months from now.. the U-20 world cup as a forward."

'That's a way bigger deal than I thought this training camp would be..' You thought to yourself as gasps or astonishment filled the room before Ego spoke again.

"However, those of you who fail blue lock will forever lose your right to represent Japan."

'Yeesh. That's also a way bigger penalty than I thought..'

"What you need to succeed here is 'Ego.' So now, we'll hold a little entrance test to measure your aptitude."

"Now then, time for some tag." Ego said menacingly before explaining the rules to this game of 'tag.'

"The time limit is 136 seconds. If you get hit with the ball you're 'it.' Whoever's 'it' when time runs out has to piss of and go back home. Also, you can't use your hands. Those are the rules." Ego stated before a hatchet suddenly opened up from the roof, and a soccer ball was in sight before it dropped to the ground, rolling over to some random guy.

'Nice. Now all I needa do is be it when the round ends and bam, I'm free.'


EDIT: Hello all!! i just read some comments and realised i made a little mistake with the teams, as in i made mc and shidou be placed into team 'R' when in reality that never existed, so please just ignore that i made a mistake and im very sorry 😭

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