"Stop resisting," he ordered in a low voice.

        Ignoring the pain in my arm, I glanced over to Bakugo. He was up on his feet now. Our eyes locked.

        "Send the location!" I exclaimed.

        On cue, his body went surging forward with a blast. I jerked my body back, making myself fall. Jamming my hands into my pocket and pulling out the empty syringe, I slammed it on the cement. I threw the broken remains into Kiyoshi's face. The shards grazed his face causing small streams of blood to flow. Letting out a cry, he shoved me away and began to make his way over to Bakugo.

        Luckily I didn't set up a password yet or else this whole plan would've been toast from the start. Easily unlocking my phone, Bakugo hurriedly searched for the location alert that was incredibly hard to miss. Kiyoshi inching closer to him, and I knew that there was no way I was going to be able to catch up in time. Nevertheless, I ran.

        "You damn brats," Kiyoshi rasped as he reached Bakugo.

        "Stop!" I blurted.

        He was about to hit him when his fist zipped over his head. Jumping up, I wrapped my hands over his arm and pulled using my body weight. I was successful, and he stumbled back.

        I was mid sentence in asking if Bakugo sent the alert when Kiyoshi's elbow slammed into my gut. It felt like someone dropped a boulder on my lungs. The air was knocked out of me, and my arms fell. I watched as Kiyoshi stole the phone from Bakugo's fingertips and threw it on the cement, crushing it with his foot. My heart immediately sunk.

        Oh no.

        Kiyoshi effortlessly lifted Bakugo off the ground and threw him against the wall. His fingers wrapped around my hoodie, pulling me up to my feet.

        "And just like your father, you're a troublemaker too," he hissed. I tried to pry him off. "No one's coming to save you, so there's no use in struggling. It'll only make things worse."

        He punched me in the gut again but with his skeletal arm. Upon making an impact, it felt like my lungs collapsed. I started to cough uncontrollably. It hurt so freaking much. With every cough, I was so close to vomiting. My head was also pounding like crazy and my limbs were limp and on fire.

        A weak chuckle came from Bakugo's lips. We both looked at him. He looked like crap, like absolutely wrecked. Even so, there was a grin plastered on his face. Seeing that look, my heart skipped.

        "B-Bakugo... You..." I started.

        Kiyoshi marched over to him, infuriated. My heart began to pound even faster upon seeing that he was going to hit Bakugo again...for the last time.

        "I was going to take you with me alive but I doubt you'll cooperate. It'll be such a waste though, your Quirk is amazing," Kiyoshi said stopping in front of him. He cracked his knuckles. "It'll have to do. We'll just turn you into a mindless beast."

        "No... Stop..." I weakly begged, breaking into a sprint.

       Bakugo peered at me and suddenly, I was back at the riverside. A boy was on the grass coughing his lungs out. Meanwhile, the other two lied around not moving an inch. In front of me were my tiny battered hands. Hiro, whose face was drenched with water and bruised, jumped in front of me wearing that same look on his face.

        "No more. Please."

        "Goodbye, kid," Kiyoshi said. He raised his fist at Bakugo's face.

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