Chapter 24 "Promises"

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Isabella's pov

I don't remember how we entered the hospital or what doctors were doing with us. I was trying not to give up on panic and be calm for my baby. Now, I am in the hospital room with Matteo by my side. 

- Do you feel any pain now? - He was asking this stupid question every 15 minutes.

- No, I just want to know what happened. - I was too tired.

- Stefano is on the way. 

- Thank you. - I grabbed his hand and he smiled.

- Before I was thinking about you only as Stefano's wife and our Queen but now you are part of my family. You are not only the cousin of my wife but you became my sister, the one that I want to protect and I am mad that I am failed. 

- You didn't. You, guys, became my family too. And I am very grateful for you. - I said and felt a sharp pain down my stomach.

- What's wrong? - Matteo immediately stood up. 

- Hurts. - I whispered and at that moment Stefano entered the room.

- What happened? - He rushed to me.

- I will call Lara. - Our friend left us.

- Are you ok, mia regina? Our boy? - My husband kissed my head and put his hand on my stomach.

- It hurts. - I wanted to cry. The pain became stronger. 

Lara ran into the room with other doctors. 

- Are you in pain? - She asked and I just nodded.

- What's wrong? - Stefano asked her and I could see that one doctor's face became pale. He pointed to my cover and Lara shouted to bring a chair for me. I looked down and saw blood. Again.

- You said that you stopped the bleeding. - I heard Matteo's yelling.

- We did. But she is bleeding now. There is poison in her blood. - Lara helped me to sit.

- Poison? - I heard Nickolas's voice from the hall. He entered and gave me a little smile. 

- At least that blood test showed. And now, I need her in the labor room. - She said and I was shocked.

- It's too... early. - I took a deep breath between the words.

- Is it safe for her? - Stefano helped me to sit in that chair.

- I will do everything that depends on me. Now, we have to go. - He pushed the chair and we went out of the sign. 

- I want Stefano near me, please. - I cried. For the first time since my mom's death, I was scared. I needed Stefano by my side. - Please.

Stefano's pov

I saw that Isabella and Matteo left. Probably to grab something to eat for my wife. 

15 minutes later 

No one showed. The traitor was out. 

- Where is Matteo? Pregnant doll? - Nickolas joked.

- I don't know. - I said and saw one of my soldiers was coming to us. - What's happened?

- Mrs. Visconti asked to say that your wife and Mr. Visconti are on the way to the hospital. Mrs. Magini is bleeding. 

- What? - I was shocked. A few seconds and I was upstairs shouting to prepare my car. 

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