She only missed her call one time and she gets a ten minutes' video of the mother acting like a damsel in distress—or more like she's cheating on her with another mother. Her mother truly is a case entirely, but she still loves her nonetheless.

A small sigh left her parted lips when she turned the device off, and slipped out of the cloakroom and making her way out of the bedroom as well. She didn't bother to wear any shoes. It's a weird habit of hers, but she loves to walk around the house barefoot—her poor feet deserve that much after being all cooped up in a shoe all day.

Her messy, natural curls were pulled into a low bun that made the hair look extremely short because it is. It was never that long to begin with and not long ago, she cut it. Don't ask why. She'd rather not talk about it.

The night gown she had underneath the robe stopped only a few inches below her knee, but she didn't care just as much as she didn't bother to cover her hair. Yes, her home is extremely big and would occupy probably half the neighborhood but she's almost always alone...with the exception of the maids.

The guards wouldn't show up inside without a reason, so she never had to worry about having a non-mahram in the house.

What? It may not seem like it, but she's pretty much a decent Muslim. Plus, she strives to be better so that's something.

On reaching the last step, she was met with the sight of a familiar face of one of the maids. The woman spotted her first, and then made her way towards Inaya. "Good evening, Ma'am."

"Evening." Inaya mumbled, looking around as if she would see the person she's looking for mysteriously pop up. When the front door didn't open, and she couldn't spot a single thing that signified him being around, she shifted her gaze to the maid. "Isn't he home again?"

The maid nodded, her lips pressed together for a brief second before she vocalized her answer. "Yes, Ma'am. Sire isn't home again today."

Inaya nodded, clicking her tongue slightly before she sighed, "Alright. Thanks." She turned around, making her way to the kitchen as she made up her mind to not bother herself with him. He's a grown adult. He knows how to take care of himself so why should she bother?

When she arrived at the kitchen, her strides slowed down when her gaze fell on the back of someone she's quite familiarized with. She couldn't see the person clearly, but she seems to be stuffing her face with something.

Inaya rolled her eyes, and then made her way over to the refrigerator. Pulling one of the doors open, she picked up the first juice in sight which happened to be that of Orange. "I feel like you've hijacked my home at this point." She stated, moving to the cupboards to pick up a glass cup.

The addressed person looked up on hearing Inaya's voice, and almost immediately, her lips stretched into the widest grins out there. "Hola, amiga! Que pasa?"

Picking up the first cup in sight, Inaya placed it down on the counter and poured the orange liquid into it to her liking. "What's up is, I have a friend who doesn't like to go home." She looked up, and gave her best friend a pointed look.

Amina pressed her lips into a pout, before flashing Inaya her famous looks that made almost everyone pity her. "I am home."

"I meant your parents' house." Inaya gave her a look that dared her to weasel her way out of this. The said woman knows her way around words, she uses it and the little acting skills she has to weasel her way out of situations and make it work in her favor.

A huff came from Amina, her eyes narrowed at the woman standing a few feet away from her. "You aren't nice." She mumbled, extending her hand to pull the bowl of whatever food she managed to get closer to her—as if Inaya would take it away. She wouldn't, but it wouldn't hurt to be careful. "You know; this isn't the way you're supposed to treat your only friend."

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