7; Little Miss Chaebol.

Start from the beginning

The two settled in the exact position from earlier—with the doctor behind the table and Inaya on the other side. No words were exchanged between them at first. Up until the doctor drew her chair closer to the table and intertwined her fingers, dropping them on it. "I didn't think you would actually make it to your appointment today."

Inaya blew out a loud breath, sinking further in her seat. "Well, I have a doctor that will nag me if I don't. So, what other choice do I have?"

The doctor chuckled, her warm attitude like the fluorescent light in the room—reflecting on the name palate sitting finely on her desk. The name, 'Dr. Aishatu Nasir' was engraved on the crystal clear palate, in black writing that made it easy for anyone to read.

"I see you're still as bright as ever." Commented Aishatu, though the sarcasm in her tone was hard to miss despite the warm smile. They both didn't take it personally. It was their way of bonding.

"So are you." Inaya shrugged. She wouldn't lie—sometimes she envies how Aishatu always manages to look lively despite the past she had. And no, she didn't exactly tell her but does she need to?

Inaya knows almost everything she wants to. Sometimes, she doesn't even need to try.

Aishatu stared at her for a few seconds, her lips stretched in amusement before she shook her head. Picking up the file belonging to Inaya, she flicked it open to go through the latest information there. This resulted in silence reigning over for a few seconds; till she broke it having deemed it to be enough for her to be satisfied. "I see you're doing much better."

"Of course I am." Inaya bragged a bit, offering Aishatu a genuine, wide smile in the process. Her words may not sound like it, but she has eventually grown to take a liking in Aishatu more than she would admit.

"You're taking your drugs on time?" It seems like she is, since she is indeed getting better but the doctor needed to hear it from Inaya to be completely assured.

Inaya bobbed her head repeatedly. "Yes, I am."

"And you're abiding by the rules set out for you, right?"

"Of course, doc."

Aishatu nodded as well, her smile widening. "Okay then. Seems you might no longer need to come here so often then." She scribbled something on the file, one that Inaya didn't get because it's in that doctor's handwriting that only they understand. "You're much better than you were before. You can go about your life now—just please be extra careful." She looked up when she said this, giving the addressed woman a stare that she understood well enough.

It's the same look parents give their kids to warn them in order to not do something wrong—and for some reason, Inaya felt the need to abide by the woman's words.

Aishatu didn't need anyone to tell her. She could tell from the very first time she met Inaya that she wasn't like any other normal woman. There was this mischievous glint in her eyes, and aura that screamed her up to being no good. Still, she could see past the façade that she has a good heart—even if she tries to hide it under that 'stay away from me' attitude of hers.

"—and try not to get involved in anything extremely stressful. You cannot strain yourself, you hear me?"

"Yes, ma'am." Inaya folded her lips in, sinking further into her chair like a child being scolded by his mother.

"Also..." Aishatu started again, earning an eye roll from Inaya who knew it would definitely be another string of scolding. The doctor sighed, her voice dropping as she added. "...Like I told you before, you need to personally see a psychologist; I'm a cardiologist, I cannot treat your condition perfectly. Even for this, I had to consult a psychologist friend of mine."

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