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FEELING HIS HEART RACE rapidly against his chest, Merlin stood in front of a pillar observing how Arthur would deliver the bad news to his father. All the while, he could still hear the call as the crystal begged him to peer into the secrets it held.

"They ran and put up a good fight, but we were able to apprehend them," Arthur said proudly, standing in front of the three assailants—two men and a woman.

"And was our intel true?" Uther questioned, turning his gaze from the enemy to his son. "Did he have the crystal?"

Arthur lowered his gaze, his face blushing with embarrassment. "He ... did have it, Sire," he explained.

"What do you mean did?" Uther interrupted, anger bending his brow.

Arthur rubbed his thumb against his forehead, pretending to scratch it. "I saw the crystal with my own eyes, but he must've dumped it before we caught him. We searched for it, but were unable to find it."

"Look again," Uther demanded, turning away from the crowd.

"Father, we scoured every inch of that field before returning," Arthur reasoned, "it's not there."

Uther swung himself around, his face hardened. "It is the only lead we have to finding the Crystal Cave and destroying magic once and for all. I cannot accept that it is just gone that easily. Now, take some men and get back out there and find it before one of his friends find it first."

Arthur, not wanting to appear to be a disobedient prince in front of his people, nodded his head. "Yes, Sire."

Uther eyed the three assailants. "Execution will be set for dawn." He twirled around and plopped down on his throne. "Get them out of my sight."

Merlin eyed the three as they were dragged out of the chamber, but he couldn't help but catch a glimpse of the rider as he was shoved by. The rider was smiling, and not only that, but purposefully smiling at him. Like the rider knew something that he didn't. It was then that Merlin finally realized how he had been shaking, afraid of being found out, and briskly followed the rest of the crowd out of the chamber.

He ignored eye contact with everyone he passed in the hallway as he hastily made his way to Gaius's chamber. Upon arriving, he plopped down on the staircase leading up to the balcony as he waited for Gaius, his knee bouncing up and down with anxiety. Gaius had been standing beside him in the court chamber, but Merlin had avoided looking his way. He was afraid that Gaius would suspect something, and Merlin couldn't mention anything about the crystal while standing in front of Uther. Not when it would risk Uther finding out that he had it all along.

Seconds later, Gaius stormed into the chamber, his piercing gaze narrowed in on Merlin. "You lost the crystal?" he accused. "How could you be so stupid? If that crystal fell into the wrong hands it could mean the end for Camelot."

"And what if it fell into Uther's hands?" Merlin asked, his eyes wide. "What then?"

Gaius let out a slow breath. "I see your point, Merlin, but now it's lost out there for anyone to find."

"What if it's not?" Gradually, Merlin withdrew the small leather pouch that remained hidden under his jacket in-between his ribs and elbow. The melodic ring swung louder and his eyes ventured down to the pouch. It took everything he had inside him not to slip the gem out into his palm. He forcefully pulled his gaze away and looked back at Gaius who was slowly walking in his direction, his eyes focused on the bag.

"That isn't ..." He trailed off as he pointed towards the small bag. "Is that the crystal?" Merlin averted his gaze. "You had it with you the entire time?"

Dark Merlin: The Man Called EmrysWhere stories live. Discover now