"Arthur came looking for you earlier," Gaius said. "I told him you were still sleeping, and he was happy that you were finally getting some rest. He was understanding."

Merlin let out a huff as a grin tugged at the corner of his mouth. Gaius had known the whole time, but just wanted to see how frantic he'd get. That was just like him. "Thanks, Gaius," he said softly.

Gaius nodded, and Merlin raced out the door.

The day went by in a blur. There was much to be done before lunch because after the Prince's meal they were to be saddling up for a late night hunt. Rarely did Arthur hunt at night, but Merlin was okay with that. He knew all the excitement would keep him from the thought of sleeping.

"Merlin! Are we about ready?"

Merlin's head jerked towards the Citadel's stairs where Arthur was making his way to him; his red cape failing behind him in the wind. Merlin smiled and nodded his head as he finished tightened the buckles to Arthur's saddle. "All set, Sire!"

All the Knights around him saddled their horses and waited for Arthur to mount his own. Once Arthur was on top his horse, Merlin quickly bestrode his and followed behind Arthur as the party galloped to the forest.

Merlin stayed closely behind Arthur; ready to defend him with his magic if need be. They hunted for hours. Hours of scouring the forest in search for animals, but had caught nothing. Those who shot their bows or threw their spears had missed every animal. Night was beginning to fall. They'd have to set up camp soon.

Merlin glanced around at the Knights that surrounded him and Arthur. It was unlike them to catch nothing. Even Arthur didn't raise a finger to assist with the hunt. Merlin gazed at the back of Arthur's blonde head. "Arthur, what's going on?"

"What's going on is that we're having a bad day of hunting," Arthur replied aggressively without turning to look at Merlin.

Merlin shook his head, even though Arthur couldn't see him. "No, that's not it." He took a step forward, gripped Arthur's bicep, and twisted him around. He knew he was crossing a line, but he didn't care. Danger rang in the back of his head, and Merlin glared into Arthur's azure eyes. "What aren't you telling me?"

At first, Arthur didn't respond but gave an angered look. Giving himself a minute to calm down, he pursed his lips and glanced around at his men. "We were given intel on a sorcerer meet up happening just outside Camelot's boarders. My father wants us to intercept the meeting and bring the sorcerers in."

Merlin furrowed his brow. "But they're not in our boarders. That makes us unable to arrest them."

"You really think my father's going to abide by those laws when they're on the edge of Camelot?" Arthur questioned, sounding like Merlin was stupid for even saying such a thing. "As long as sorcerers walk this earth, it doesn't matter whose land they are on."

"But you can't!" Merlin shouted. "It's too dangerous!"

Arthur's jaw clenched. "I told you not to come," he argued. "I knew you weren't ready, but you persisted on accompanying me anyway. If you're going to be here ..." He paused, and for a brief moment, his expression became tender before returning to its origin hardness. "Just don't get yourself killed."

Merlin gulped as Arthur yanked his arm away and pressed on. Merlin stared at his Prince for a good few seconds before sneaking behind him through the darkening woods.

They traveled another couple miles before Arthur held his hand up stopping the men that followed. He crouched low behind a deteriorating log, as did Merlin, staying attached to Arthur's hip. He had no desire to be here, and couldn't deny that Arthur was right. He wasn't ready to face another battle; another ... sorcerer. Not after how helpless he had felt imprisoned by Morgana.

Dark Merlin: The Man Called EmrysWhere stories live. Discover now