2; Hold the applause.

Start from the beginning

She was playing with fire, clearly aware that of the five members, Isaac's temper was off the chart. He had little control over it, hence why he was better fit being the brain-it required less violence from his side, because it's never a good sign.

So, it's been long since they've seen him lost his calm.

At that moment though, having all seen his shoulders instantly stiffen due to her words, they could all see it coming, what was about to follow that is.

He turned around slowly, almost as in a slow motion in a TV show or something-his steel, but dark gaze fixed on her. "What did you just say?" He voiced out, his voice hauntingly dropping.

Anyone in her shoes should've understood and zipped their lips shut, but she didn't. Clearly, she isn't well reversed in the art of staying in one's lane and not pushing one to his limit.

She went on to continue, the taunt in her tone clear as day. "Did it cross your mind, even for a second, that Cypher could be a woman, and not a man?" She quirked a perfectly arched brow, the action effortlessly almost as if it was norm to her.

His hand clenched by the side, the veins in his forehead popping out.

Still, he couldn't deny it because it's true. Maybe it crossed the other's mind but not his-he certainly didn't for a second expect Cypher to be a woman. His reason is simple, he doesn't believe someone, not a woman especially could beat him. He's known to be the best in the game...only to be thrown off by a woman? Nah, this can't be real.

"-Isaac Newton. Oh, sorry..." Her slip off was intentional, the widening of her grin proved it. "-Isaac Richard, the pride of MI6-the British Foreign Intelligence Service whom was recruited by Shuri Alpha Team at the tender age of 22. You became the youngest person to ever join the team, and pride yourself in knowing you're the top of the game. After all, no one's ever gotten past you. Until me that is." She clicked her tongue, and nodded slowly as if coming to terms with something. "I guess I can understand why it hurts your ego. Sorry ehn."

That was the last straw, they all knew it. Because just in time he lost hold of his last string of patience and made an attempt to throw himself at her, Aadil was quick to get on his feet and stopped him, holding him back with great effort since the man wasn't relenting.

"Let me teach this woman a lesson!" Gritted Isaac, still in a desperate attempt to waddle out of Aadil's hold and cool off his anger on her. He wasn't thinking straight, and was capable of doing anything at that moment.

Aadil placed a firm hand on his shoulder, and pushed him back. "Stand down." He grumbled out lowly, his voice deep. The dark look he had, pinning Isaac down was enough to have the man retreating-knowing he could never dare to go against his superior.

None of them could dare.

He didn't need to raise his voice, or stress himself over anything. Just a simple statement and a look is all it would take to have them all back in line, regardless of the situation they find themselves in.

He is the leader for a reason.

Once he was certain Isaac wouldn't attempt to act out again, he turned around to face her-his expression not giving anything away as always. He had been quiet throughout the entire ordeal, taking his time to assess her entirely to see the person they are about to encounter.

He needed to know who his enemy is first, because it's clear she is one-regardless of her presence there.

Inaya smile didn't waver for a slight second, taking her sweet time to hold his gaze. The action lasted for a few seconds, before she decided to break the silence. "Aadil Bashir Kari-eldest child to Inspector General Bashir Kari and leader of Alpha Team. Basically, the genesis of the team--"

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