"Fine. Make your mistakes, but don't come crying to me trying to fix them," he shouted.

I threw a pillow at him but he already slammed the door. I looked back to Aiden and he looked amused.

"This is a bad idea," I said. "We can't do this to Jace."

"Who do you think sent me over?" He asked.

"He sent you over here to sleep with me?" I asked.

"Not in so many words. He knows how I am so I figured we had his go ahead. Maybe we are mates," he said.

"I'm sorry. I just can't," I said. "How is he?"

"Not so good. I think he misses you. He's been really pushing for new people," he said.

"Trying to replace me?" I asked.

"Or trying to fill the hole you left," he said. "If we're not going to hook up, I think I should leave. Not to sound like an asshole but I can't be around you without wanting to touch you," he said.

"And yet you want to use me as a hook up?" I asked.

"I don't want to use you. That's why I am leaving. You're a great girl. Just call him if you think it's him. If you chose me, call and I'll be right back," he said.

We exchanged numbers then he got off my bed and then left. I could feel his loss

 but it was nothing compared to Jace.

Me: Jace?

Jace: I love that you're using my name. What do you need?

Me: Can you come lay with me?

Jace: Me or my astral form?

Me: Astral. I'm not ready to see you yet.

No sooner than I said the words, he was 

there. I could feel him and touch him. I grabbed his face and then kissed him slowly. There was a knock on my door and then Ezra called out, "go to sleep."

Jace laid down and I laid across him.

"If we have sex, would I get pregnant?" I asked.

Jace: No, but I would prefer it if we waited until we were face to face. You can do whatever you want though.

Me: It would feel weird since you don't want it too.

Jace: I didn't say I didn't want to. I gave you my preference.

I laid back down on him and almost felt complete. I don't know how long it took me to fall asleep but when I did, I dreamt about him. Just talking to me.


I woke up crying early the next morning. Jace was gone and I was left in bed alone. I didn't want to seem too needy but I wanted Jace to walk around with me all day.

Today I had to pick up a dress for my dad's charity event. Jace was paying. I was a little down because we were going to adopt a child. I suppose I should thank the Goddess we didn't since we broke up shortly after.

Maybe I could adopt one on my own. I needed a dress that made me look like

 a responsible young lady. I didn't know if I could convey that in a dress but I was going to try.

Rachel came and took me to the dress shop. We must have gone through dozens of dresses before I finally picked something. It was another red number. I thought it was beautiful.

Rachel bought a purple dress for herself and a blue dress for Raquel. Jace paid for everything. I wanted to see if there was a limit to what he'd let me buy but there didn't seem to be.

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