" You can send messages to anyone you want, meaning, you don't have to write letters all day since you can just send them messages through a cell phone. " Althea says

" My lady, it sounded like you have seen a cell phone or have use it before. " Madeline says

" Uh, well, I guess you can say that? " Althea says with a smile.

" Then, I would like to a have cell phone to my lady! It would be great if I could have one too my lady, in that way, I could send messages to my lady! " Madeline says

" But if we have something like that in here, will have to at least have a cable for a phone." Althea says while she was still reading a book.

" A cable? What is a cable my lady? " Madeline says

" Maddie, do you really not know what a cable is? That word should have existed since 1948." Althea says

" What do you mean my lady??? Today's year is 16XX." Madeline says and Althea looked at Madeline with a face expression.

" Excuse me what?? " Althea says

" Are you sure that today's year isn't like 1950 or something??? " Althea says and Madeline only looked at her with a confused expression.

" What are you talking about my lady?? " Madeline says

" What!? For real??? I thought we're living in 1950 something, so that's why I didn't ask anyone to what hear is it already, the structures of the buildings looks so... Advanced." Althea says

" Or is it because I'm inside a novel? Or is it because this is a fantasy novel that is why it is acceptable? " Althea says

" My lady, I don't know what you are talking about." Madeline says

" Oh, it's nothing, I was just talking to myself," Althea says and then she continues to read book.

" By the way Maddie," Althea

" This is only the beginning of the story," Althea

" I hope you are ready," Althea

" For what my lady? " Madeline says and Althea looked in her direction.

" From today onwards, it will be a bumpy ride to achieve our goal, so Maddie, let's make sure to win this battle! " Althea says and even though Madeline doesn't know anything, she happily nodded her head.

" Of course my lady, anything you wish for, I'll do everything you want me to, my lady! Just give me an order! " Madeline says and so the little lady continues to read her book.

On the other hand, Archduke Willard and Lady Cynthia has arrived.

" I greet his imperial highness," Vera says while she also greeted Lady Cynthia, next to the Archduke.

" Where is my daughter? Usually, she would be the first one to come outside and greet us, " Archduke Willard says while looking at Vera.

" Your imperial highness, the little lady is currently in the garden with a maid. " Vera says

" What is my dear Thea doing there? " Lady Cynthia says

" The little lady has been reading lots of book my lady, whenever she finishes reading two or more books, she would request for a new one in the library." Vera says

" And it has been 4 hrs since the lady have been diligently reading books in the garden." Vera says to which Archduke Willard smiled and nodded his head.

" Lead the way, I would like to meet my lovely daughter," Archduke Willard says and Vera nodded her head.

. . .

When Archduke Willard and Lady Cynthia arrived in the garden, they were then greeted by a loud noise, when they look what was going on...

They were surprised to see two man in black kneeling right in front of the little lady, while Vera's little brother, Bosworth was just standing right next to Althea.

" Ask for forgiveness for my lady if you want mercy! " Madeline yells while looking at the two man kneeling on the ground begging for mercy.

And on the other hand, Althea ignored the two man and continues to read the book on her hand.

" We beg you my lady, please have mercy on us! We were only given a task and only followed what they wanted us to do." Guy 1 says

" Please my lady, have mercy on us! " Guy 2 says but Althea didn't bother to look at them.

" Fine! There's no use to be asking for forgiveness or mercy anyway, just kill us! " Guy 1 says

" F*ck this too! " Guy 2 says

" If we die today, not only will the person who made a deal with us will bring troubles to you but they will definitely kill your entire family! " Guy 1 says but still it didn't bother Althea one bit.

" Not just that, they'll take what is the most valuable thing in your life right now! Just remember that! " Guy 2 says

" They'll definitely kill your father if you kill both of us, when that happens, they will kill that slutty whore white haired woman next! " Guy 1 says and Althea looked at the two man and she smiled.

" Mr. Bosworth and Maddie, could you please turn around and look away for a minute? " Althea says while she was still holding the book on her hand with a vicious smile on her face.

Bosworth and Madeline then turned around and have looked away just like what Althea have told them to do.

" What did you just said about my father and mom? " Althea says with a smile on her face.

" Not only will they kill you but they will kill your fathe— " Guy 1 says but he was then interrupted when Althea slapped him in his face using a book.

" What was it again? " Althea says and when the first guy continues what he wanted to say again, he was again slapped with a book on his face.

" Kill them? Don't make me laugh." Althea says

" I might kill you first before you could even lay a finger on them." Althea says with a smile.

" Don't provoke me to smash your face using the book I'm holding, there's like a ninety nine percent that you would die because of a book," Althea says and then she grabbed the fork on her plate and uses it to stabbed the first guy's hand.

" Don't even try to make me become your enemy, because if you do, you will definitely be able to meet god or Satan too early in this life. " Althea says with a  smile.

" So you better make a wise choice, either you stands in my f*cking way and meet god so early in this life, just say the magic word and you'll be meeting god and Satan. " Althea says with a smile and she then pats the guys back.

Once Althea was done, she then pulled the fork back and the guy's hand bleeds like hell.

" You two better get out from my sight before I change my mind," Althea says

" The angels are singing today, today's the day to meet god early in your life time, so choose wisely, take your time, don't be pressured." Althea says with a smile on her face.

Archduke Willard and Lady Cynthia only watched Althea from afar while they were surprised to witness something.

» The story will continue on the next page soon, thank you for waiting and reading this story!

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