"Yes! 7 pins down, I'll take it." Lizzie exclaimed. Her next turn, she knocks down the other two. 

          "Alright, be a strike." I told the neon green ball. The ball didn't reply.

I rolled the ball down the alley...... until it fell in the gutter. 'Aw, dang it!' I thought frustratedly. 

            "C'mon!" I protested. I could hear Lizzie 'not giggling' behind me. 

             "It's not that funny!" I protested, trying not to laugh. I pick up the ball from the rotating-ball-metal thing. 

            "But it is!" My date giggled. Her laughter was infectious, and I caught a case of the giggles. 

            "Okay, okay. My turn." Lizzie stated once our giggles died down. 

We played for another hour before... Lizzie won. 150 to 250.

               "How did you win by that much?!" I exclaimed playfully. Lizzie grinned at me.

              "Skill." I smiled at that. 

                "Can I make up for my lack of skill with food?" I asked. Lizzie smiled. 'Oh my gosh, I love her smile so much.'

                "As long as I get a slice of pizza." I knew she was eyeing the slices of pizza on display when we entered! 

                 "Deal." We made our way over to the little food bar where the pizza was on display. 

                  "I would like a slice of pepperoni and a slice of..." I looked uncertainly at Lizzie. 

                  "A slice of Hawaiian pizza, please." She finished. 

                   "And a coke and sprite, please." The guy behind the counter nodded and got us our pizza. We thanked him and paid for our food and drinks. 

                   "Should we go to a park to eat?" Lizzie agreed, and we found a picnic table under a huge mangrove tree.

                   "This date went well." Lizzie smiled and put her hand on mine. 

                  "Except the part about me losing." Lizzie laughed. 

                   "Wait, do you have pineapple on your pizza?" I said jokingly. I put my hands on my hips and shook my head with fake disappointment. "Lizzie, Lizzie, Lizzie. What will I ever do with you?" I asked. Lizzie thought for a moment while sipping her drink. 

                   "How about be my boyfriend?" She asked. I grinned. 

                  "That would be wonderful." I answered. 

                   "Amazing." She squeezed my hand before finishing her odd pizza slice. I smiled and ate the rest of my perfectly fine pizza. 

                    "It's getting a bit late, should we head back to your house?" I asked once I finished the last bite of my pizza. 

                    "Yeah, we should." Lizzie sighed. "Is there a trash can nearby? I don't see one." I looked around the small park we sat at, before seeing a trash can outside an ice-cream place that surrounded the park. 

                      "Over there, are you done with your drink?" I asked, gathering our trash. Lizzie took long sip of her drink. 

                       "Y-yeah, I'm-" She paused to cough. She cleared her throat and continued, "-done with my drink. Here." She stacked her paper cup on top of the small pile of trash I was carrying. 

                      "Are you okay? You drank, like, a quarter of your drink in one sip!" I exclaimed. Lizzie smiled and laughed at my concerned face (I'm guessing, did I have something on my face?).

                       "Yeah, I'm fine." She answered. I looked at her, concernedly. She took my hand and led me to the trash can. 

                        "Want ice-cream?" Lizzie asked suddenly. It caught me off guard. I agreed, and we headed inside the small ice-cream place. There was a short line, and we joined the line. 

                        "What flavor ice-cream do you want, Sea Queen?" I asked, using the nickname I gave her during bowling. Lizzie studied the options. 

                       "Strawberry in a waffle cone. What do you want, Mezalian King?" I studied the options for a few seconds longer. 

                      "One scoop chocolate, one scoop caramel. In a waffle cone." I answered. We waited in line for a minute or two longer before we got to the front counter. 

                     "Hi, welcome to Ice-cream Delights. How may I help you?" The girl at the front desk asked in a mix between monotone and overly cheerful. I smiled at her. (I'm not sure if there's something called Ice-cream Delights, I tried making up a name.)

                     "We would like some ice-cream. One strawberry, two scoops in a waffle cone please. And one more ice-cream with two scoops. One scoop chocolate, one scoop caramel in a waffle cone, please." Lizzie ordered. She paid before I had the chance to pay. 

                       "I was going to pay!" I protested. Lizzie licked her ice-cream, not caring that I was going to pay. 

                        "Yeah, I know. But you paid for everything else, I decided to strike when your guard was down." She stated matter-of-factly. I clutched my chest dramatically and gasped even more dramatically.  

                      "Drama king." She teased as we left the store. I smiled. 

                      "Thank you." 

Yay, another chapter! I'm hoping I update more consistently now; I outlined the rest of the book (finally). 

I haven't gone bowling in a while, I'm not sure if what I wrote was correct at all. You can tell me if I wrote anything incorrect. 🙂👍

Feel free to name the people behind the counters whatever you want. 👍

Also, the cussing-in-the-comments rule changed. Feel free to cuss, but please, please don't go overboard with cussing or say anything inappropriate. 

Happy reading guys, gals, and non-binary pals!


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