Planning Gone Wrong

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I'm sorry I didn't mention when they got to Hermit High, but they got there 2 weeks before Halloween, aka Gem, Fwhip, and Sausage's birthday.
And now on with the story!


Third person pov:
It was lunch, and Bdubs was talking to Gem about her upcoming birthday.

"Gem, come on! You don't want a party?" Bdubs asked. Gem just shook her head.

"Whatever, but I'm gonna throw a Halloween party! Wanna come?" Bdubs asked.

"Sure. Why not?" Gem answered with a shrug.

=this time skip is brought to you by my laziness=
(Now Bdubs pov)

I texted everyone in the group chat except for Fwhip, Sausage, and Gem. It was for their birthday, so I couldn't text them about their birthday. Right?
(We A/n- when it says From: you, it means From: Bdubs)
From: You
//Hey guys! I got Gem to go to a Halloween party I'm throwing, and I was thinking that it could be a cover for her, Sausage, and Fwhips b-day party. Who's in?\\

From: Pearl
//Sounds awesome! Know anyone who could get Fwhip there and someone who can plan it? Fwhip doesn't usually go to partys.\\

I didn't even hesitate.

From: You
//Yep, I know the perfect people! And, they love partys!\\(who thinks they know who it is?)

From: Joel
//Cool, so we're all invited?\\

From: You
//Of course! 🙄\\

From: Lizzie
//Lol, when do we start?\\

From: You
//Tomorrow, maybe sooner. My house. I'll get back to you.\\

From: Joey
(Let's pretend everyone else said something similar. I don't have time to have the other, like, 12 people say something like that.)

I called the two people for the job, as soon as I could find their contacts. Wow, it's been a while. Once, twice, then Xisuma answered.

"Hey guys!" I notice Ex putting his helmet on hurriedly. I saw his white-blonde hair for a second. X didn't have his helmet on, he's way more comfortable without it on than Ex. They were in a bedroom, maybe Ex's?

"Hey Bdubs! What are you doing?" X asked.

     "I'm planning a party! I thought you could help X?" I proposed. X chuckled.

     "Another Halloween party?" He asked. That definitely got Ex's attention.

     "Not exactly. You see, one of the new kids is my best friend. And her birthday is on Halloween. I haven't celebrated her birthday with her since I was 11, and I want to throw her and her triplets a birthday party." X nodded, probably doing something math-y.

     "I see!" Exclaimed Ex coming up to X, "You have a crush on her don't you?"

     "What?! No way! Gem's aromantic! And she's not my type." I exclaimed. Ex nodded.

"Okay, sorry. Can I help with this?" Ex asked. I nodded so fast, it made my head hurt.

"Yeah! Come over to my house in, 10-15 minutes to help if you want." Ex nodded.

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