Shelby's Day

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I couldn't come up with a better title, I may change it in the future if I come up with anything better.


Shelby pov:

I hummed along to the song I was listening to on my way to school. It was Believer by Imagine Dragons, and I was daydreaming about my crush, Katherine Blossom.

She had beautiful king black hair, and eyes I can get lost in if I'm not careful. She just is amazing and- I snap myself out of it. I'm on my way to school, and I see it (I walk to school), school.

Today is practice for the play. I love to sing, but I have stage fright about it. Thankfully, the 'Empires 2' play isn't a musical.

I go through the day, trying not to stare at Katherine. She's laughing about something with Pearl, because Gem wasn't there, when she looks back at me. I look away, the back of my neck heating up. 

I somehow make it through the day (I can't wait for no more school) and at the end of the day, I have rehearsal for the play. It's our third rehearsal, and I know most of my lines.

     "Hello, hello performers-in-training! How are you today?" She continues on, not expecting an answer.

     "I have a slight change of plans for the end of the play. We are going to sing one song! A student, Grymm, suggested the song to me after last rehearsal. And he wrote it himself! Isn't that wonderful?" I weakly smile. I hate singing in front of other people. I can act, but not sing.

       "Each of the 12 main characters will sing one portion of the song about his or her 'Empire'. During the bits where it isn't specified on any Empire everybody will sing. Here are your scripts, please read them over the week!" Sometimes I hate how cheerful Mrs. Onterly (Where did that name come from?) can be.

          "Anywho, get in your places everyone! Act 2, scene 4. Get your scripts if necessary! And....... hold on a sec... just another sec.... and go!" It was Gem and Sausage looking for trees, so luckily, I didn't have to be onstage. I was coming up next scene.

          "Hey, you okay? You look nervous." Katherine's voice caught me by surprise. I looked her way, blushing for sure.

           "Huh? Oh, uh, yeah. I just normally don't sing in front of people." I answered. Katherine smiled warmly.

            "You want to come by my place later? We can practice there, only if you want to." I nodded, accepting the offer. 

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We continued the practice for what seemed like an eternity. It took so long, but I can finally go.... not home. Katherine's home.

             "Did you text your parents that your coming home late? They might worry." Katherine advised. I considered. 

I don't live with my dad anymore (he died 4 years ago, and he and Mom were divorced already), and mom works at a job that has her going to work at 6:30 and comes home at 7, sometimes 8 pm. So, I don't really have to text her since I'll probably be home before 7 pm. 

I texted her anyways, for Katherine. "Which way is your house?" I asked.

               "What? My mom's picking my up today. Tuesdays and Thursdays I ride on the bus." Katherine informed me. I nodded in response. Barley a minute later, a white minivan pulled up.

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