"You bothered to have a second throne made?" Renard stopped them just outside the great hall, while the doors remained closed. "I am not... I do not deserve-"

  "Whether you deserve it or not you are a king." Nara shrugged. "And no true king has ever been without a throne."

  She gestured for the doors to be opened, and just a few moments later they walked forward.

  From across the room, the sight of it were still incredible. Every simplicity and carved detail were perfect, from the seal that were a combination of he and his wife's seals- to the plainer legs and bright red bum cushion. How many days of dying had that took? Five? Ten?

"Who carved this?" He asked Andre. Whoever did deserved far more than whatever they'd been paid.

Andre slowly smiled. This was the moment that would change her life forever; a king complimenting her work in front of so many people. She would never return to a whorehouse, never have to touch a man or woman again if she didn't wish to. She could have a cottage built for herself without lifting a finger, perhaps even marry a rich merchant; as close to a lord as she'd get.

In time, everyone would forget her former profession.

"This is Giselle." He gestured to her, where she stood a respectable distance from the throne with a few others. Her memorable appearance would be ingrained into Renard's mind like many others, but he did not let his eyes linger.

"Giselle-" he repeated. "There are no words for this work. You will be rewarded greatly- that is a promise."

Andre could see it then; people who could hardly afford to feed themselves lining up to have the smallest carving made by her.

Renard looked towards the throne again, then to Nara. When she nodded he understood, and the two walked further apart than they'd been in days.

Nara were the first to sit her throne- having grown used to it, but Renard hesitated. This moment would not be recorded in history books, but it would be talked about for years to come. Any hint of weakness and rumors would be spread; as Nara had told him.

He kept his back straight, sat- and looked out at their people.

Never again would he let himself get distracted.


  Chapter 208

Anor 6th, 3330 A.G

  It were truly incredible; how quickly the servants could cook enough to feed an army, and that they could do it two nights in a row. The smells had begun drifting from the kitchen a few hours ago, weak and first and then so strong they filled every room in the main home and some of the cottages and shops near it. They were confusing at first- the scent of lemon pies mixing with the beef ones, vanilla cakes and boiled dough with cheese sauce, but it didn't end there. The smells seemed to come in a rotation, and she finally understood once they started bringing them out.

  They just never ended.

  Nara got five or six dishes down- two plates, before she could do no more. Renard three, though his had been less crowded-while Ysmen, Andre and Maude are normal amounts of food.

Nara leaned back, the babe growing inside of her content with what she'd fed it. At the head of the noble's table, she had a good view of everyone who mattered- and an even better view of those eating below. Soldiers, servants who'd worked the previous night, commoners, and merchants alike who'd been traveling ate together- the way it should be. She'd taken special care to have those merchants watched; Tiffan Raynerus's spy network were apparently unmatched- but could still relax.

  She'd even left her sword in her room, but made sure the dagger at her belt were visible.

  She looked towards Renard then, smiling- and stood. Those who weren't too drunk to notice went silent immediately, though the others took a long time.

   She did not yell; did not threaten to execute anyone. She simply waited for everyone to face her.

  "Thank you." She said. "My family name would not be where it is today without all of you. My name would mean even less without the support of my soldiers, the trust of my people. At times I feel I do not deserve it, as I'm sure some of you do. I have heard the rumors- the way a few amongst you call me cruel and kill for me a few moments later the way a family member would. I will reiterate now that anyone who wishes to leave may do so at any time, and no person will harm them. I proved that with the women of snow bush and Federyck How, didn't I? Anyways, I am not talking just to talk. As promised, all of my warriors will be rewarded in time. But there are those among you who have gone farther, done more than I ever could have expected. In the old days, a queen and king had at least four knights in their service."

Any and all noise in the great hall seized as all warriors held their breath.

"They were the royal family's most trusted protectors, though they often advised them to. They spoke for the queen and king when they weren't available, enforced their laws and much more. In time these four will come to understand what being a knight means, and I do intend on holding an official knighting ceremony soon; after we are recovered from this feast." Nara paused, looking through the soldiers for two. "Federyck How will be rewarded too, but he is not here. Andruche and Eudo- you are."

The paid, sitting side by side- stood. They were shaking; both in shock and disbelief.

"Not only have you been great warriors, you also traveled day and night to check on my villages and carry a message in a time of great danger." Nara continued. "For that, you two will be knighted."

They did not have time to react before Nara moved on.

"Maude-" she turned her attention to the young girl, sitting to Ysmen's right, who sat at Andre's right. "I do not forget the loyalty you've shown me, especially at House Alymere where it would have been so easy to betray me in favor of your friend. For that, you will be knighted. And you, who has been a warrior and advisor and kept this place running in my absence. I will need both of you to make this war successful. So if you accept Maude, I would like to hear your oath."

  Maude frowned, not out of displeasure but confusion. She were already on the queen's council. What more did the woman need?

  "Your oath that you will stay with us until the war is won." Nara said slowly and lifted her wine glass, only a quarter full. "That you will not return to your brother permanently or go to your.... friend except on official business."

  A small smile spread across Maude's face. "It pained me, that's true- but I chose my loyalties a long time ago. Cam Alymere and I were once friends, but no more. I swear this to you.... My queen."

Nara raised an eyebrow, then the wine glass again before sitting. It were a while before she spoke again, that time to Andre.

  "Is your sword named?" He asked suddenly. "You've certainly earned the right to give it a name by now."

  "I....have not thought of it. Maude has fireguard, Renard's is winterthorn, Drogo's axe is called endbringer, and yours....I do not know. But it seems like all the good ones have been taken." Nara said. "And I won't just.... Give it the first one that comes to mind. Not when it's a name that will live longer than any of us."

  "Then may I make a suggestion?" Andre asked, leaning forward. He were tired and it made him bold, but he weren't stupid. She'd be annoyed and later find it amusing, then decide to use the name. "There are...many that have run through my head. But the one I find most relevant, the one that accurately represents the things you've done with it ..... widow maker. For all the cruel lord's you've put an end to, my queen."


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