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Etho felt like crying for his poor wallet once he and his little sister finally left Cosco, the wallet having been bled dry. "Daisy, why of all things do you have to be addicted to cookies?" Etho questioned as he turned to look at Daisy, who sat on a bench innocently as if she hadn't forced him to spend a ton of money on cookies.

"Huh?" Daisy turned back to him with a confused look.

"Those cookies are extremely expensive, you know. Gosh it's not even a healthy addiction it's just an addiction!" Etho threw his hands up in exaggeration, "if we have to buy out Cosco's cookie supply again, I'm putting you on a diet."

"... Etho, you said that last time," Daisy stated.

"... Oh... Well then-"

"And the time before that."


"AND the time before THAT one."

"Okay I think I-"

"And the time before-"

"ALRIGHT I GET IT!" Daisy laughed at Etho's outburst as he crossed his arms and grumbled to himself. Daisy reached into her inventory and pulled out a few cookies, quickly scarfing them down in a matter of seconds. She let out a few moos of happiness at the taste, the sugary goodness filling her taste buds with that good stuff. Daisy looked over at Etho and saw him going through his wallet, seeing his face, the human side anyways, contort as he did so. Daisy was aware that, before she came along, Etho was never really the richest guy around. Maybe that makes her a bit bad, for making him spend so much just on her. Come to think of it, Etho never really talks about how much money they have, only saying how much they've spent. How much did Etho spend on her? Her clothes? Toys? Cookies? (Damages?)

Daisy shrunk in on herself as the thought of being so much of a burden filled her mind, her appetite suddenly lost on her. She shoved the cookies away and looked back at Etho just in time to see him sigh with sadness before putting on a face. "Alright then, I'm gonna head back to the house. Call if you need anything," Etho said, giving Daisy a quick head pat, before starting down the path. Daisy watched his back as he left, the guilt slowly building up in her chest.

"I'll just earn it back!" Daisy suddenly proclaimed to herself as she jumped from the bench, "I mean, how hard can it be?"

*7 hours later*

Etho's leg bounced impatiently as he forced himself to sit on the couch, his eyes floating to his phone every few minutes. It was pretty late and he hadn't gotten a single text or call from Daisy. Did something happen to her? What if someone found out about what she was? Did poachers get her? "Calm down Etho, you're being stupid," he told himself, "Daisy can handle herself in a fight."

Days in the life of Etho and DaisyWhere stories live. Discover now