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Etho finally pulled himself over the ledge, Daisy mooing into his eye as she jumped off of his shoulder. He rolled onto his back and stared at the sky, the image of the moon not being lost on him. He could've just fell asleep right then and there, but 3 things prevented that; A, it was night. The night meant there would be monsters around. B, he was still at that crazy lady's mansion, and he sure as heck didn't want to know what would happen if he was found still alive. And finally, C, Daisy in general. Speaking of his little sister, the moobloom hybrid shifted back into human form and cautiously walked over to Etho, guilt ridden all over her face.

"Etho?" Her voice came out as a whisper, her eyes pleaded for a response. Etho desperately did not want to respond, but he knew, in the back of his mind, that he probably should.

"Let's get back home," Etho muttered dryly, forcing his aching body to shift into a sitting position, only to force it even more into standing. His legs wobbled and he nearly fell onto the ground again before he found some kind of balance. He began to walk, his path swaying left to right as a headache began to pour into his head. Daisy quickly followed behind him, not daring to say a word.

Once the 2 reach their house, Etho immediately tears the suit off in anger, his frustration finally at an end. Daisy winces at the sound of tearing fabric, but nearly cries when she sees the tattered suit laying across the ground. Not even bothering to put on another pair of clothes, Etho goes straight to his room, slamming the door shut as hard as he could. Oxy, who remained asleep on the couch, did not stir from the sound. Daisy lets out a small whine as she shifts into her animal form and trots over to the carpet, intending to sleep the guilt away...

Come morning and Daisy has yet to fall asleep, her mind keeping her from sweet nothingness with the most horrific thoughts. (You nearly got both of you killed. You nearly got HIM killed. He's given so much for you and what do you give him? Nothing but trouble! You're a burden to him and you know it. You should've let those poachers catch you, at least then your life would've meant something worthwhile. But instead you make everything someone else's problem and demand things for yourself? You are selfish. Selfish. SELFISH! SELFISH!) Daisy turned on the carpet multiple times to try and quell her thoughts, putting a risk of carpet burn on her.

Daisy's ear flicks at the sound of a door being opened, and when she turns her head she sees it is Etho, hair wet with a towel rummaging through it. Oh, he took a shower. How hadn't she noticed that?

Etho looked over to Daisy and frowned, sending a concerned feeling down her very being. Was he upset at her? Of course he was! And he has every right to be upset at her. Daisy mooed softly as her head sunk against the floor. Etho looked at the suit from yesterday and frowned at it, picking it up with a small amount of disgust. He walked over to the kitchen with the intent of throwing it away into the trash bin, when he noticed something. Right underneath the sleeve was a small daisy flower symbol stitched onto the fabric. This usually meant that Daisy was involved in making it, whether it be a cup or box. This meant that Daisy had made the suit, and that made Etho feel slightly guilty.

Groaning to himself, Etho placed the torn suit onto the counter and turned back to Daisy, seeing her still sprawled out on the floor. He quickly walked over to her and sat down in front of her, although she did not turn to face him. "Daisy?" Etho requested her attention, though it was not given. (Is she mad because I tore the suit? Ugh, of course she is you big idiot! Notch why do I have to be so stupid!) Etho belittled himself for making her this upset. "I'm sorry for tearing your suit up, I was just, well, upset about yesterday," Etho apologized, hoping that it would at least get Daisy to shift back into her human form. Thankfully, for the first time today, his words had an actual effect as Daisy finally shifted into human form.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2023 ⏰

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