Chapter 12 Operation: Sasha Retrieval

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Sasha was sitting on the floor as she did her best to dodge the wrath of soma as the uniter was busy flinging different furniture across the lounge area as she grappled with her emotions.
"Fuck fuck! Dammit!" She punches through a wall and falls to her knees as Sasha takes this chance and walks over to Soma and holds her hand.
"I such a fool why! Why was I so focused on this stupid! Fucking goal! I didn't even want to do this!" Sasha is confused by this as she asks Soma something.
"I thought you did this for" Soma looks up immediately and stares at Sasha as she tries to remember but immediately her mind blocks it out as she groans from both her head and her arm.
Sasha sees this and kneels to heal it as her sigils appear she uses healing magic for the first time patching up Soma's arm.
"Thank you said you can help me right?"
"Yes! I just need to see inside that head of yours."
"And how exactly are you gonna do that?" Soma faces Sasha as she looks at her sigils.
"Your eyes..."
"Yes, it's a side effect of the experiments that were done on me."
"Who even did them?"
"I...I don't know who they were and I haven't had the time to see if the place I was kept in is still there." Soma nods as she listens to everything Sasha is saying.
"Then I'll help you find them with all of my conglomerate's power." Sasha giggles and nods.
"I'll hold you to that soma now let's get those memories." She and Soma lock eyes as they enter Soma's mind.

Sasha appears on a street inside the moving city of Ashvale though there doesn't seem to be any damage so this wasn't recent....although she walks past the bookkeeper she met who is a bit younger now she is probably in the right place.
Sasha walks to the upper levels of Ashvale when suddenly two men rush past her leaving an almost mansion-like house something tells Sasha she has to investigate and runs inside as she hears sobbing and kneels and peeks over the wall to see A girl crying over an older man's body.
"D-daughter..." he touches the child's face in a similar way Azura did to Sasha.
" your strength the authorities will be here soon they...they can save you."
"Soma... it's too late for me Daughter can be better than me...starting with your ears and tail." He reaches up to Soma's ears soft black fur and a fox tail Soma was a kitsune a long hated species of creatures thought to be extinct but Soma was one why did she hide that?
"They will kill you if they find out hide your ears and tail." He presses down on them as they disappear.
"You have to...unite them together.."
"Who? Who do I have to unite?"
"All of Rendfall...please do this for your...father." Dark magic ties itself to Soma's very soul as they both look at Sasha a black mist shoots out trying to push her out again.
"No! Not yet! Soma, it's me Sasha you have to let me in!" She leaps up and uses a barrier to launch herself forward along with her eyes to completely move the mist out of her way as she reaches out to Kid Soma.
Soma looks at Sasha struggling gets up and sits down next to her.
"Can I trust you?"
"With my life!" Just before they can take each other's hand an explosion shakes them both out of Soma's mind as the train derails.

A Few Minutes Earlier.
The children of apocalypse were standing on a cliff edge overlooking some train tracks as Yuri was strapping something onto gray much to the werewolf's utter dismay.
"Okay Yuri love I know you have something to prove but CAN YOU NOT STRAP BOMBS TO YOUR BOYFRIEND!?"
"Calm down gray! This is just to keep them on you when you leap down the plan is simple you leap onto the speeding train and throw these live bombs into the in-between between cars while we set off explosives on the actual rails to derail it!" They all stare at him like he is insane and to be honest...yuri probably was but they didn't have enough time for a new plan.
The train was heavily armored so a blast to the couplings should slow it down for long enough they can hit the rails and send it flying though it takes into account that the train has a way to protect the passengers inside should something like that happen.
"Alright, it's here your up gray!"
"I still don't agree with this Yuri!"
"What sorry I can hear you over the train!" Yuri walks up to Gray and kisses him catching the half-wolf off guard.
"Sorry about this love good luck." He pushes Gray off the cliff.

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