Chapter 3 The Uniter

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"I'm sorry, SOMA THE UNITER!? You mean THE talk of all of Rendfall! someone wants me to kill her!? This is insane even for my standards" She and Toni argue over the table as Sasha is in the living room eating pancakes with Pam.
"How can something so flat be this amazing!"
"That's just the power of magic wheat from the boiling lands"
"Boiling lands? That's the dead dragon right?"
"Yikes we have to teach you geography too?" Pam sits up as Azura brings over a map.
"Sorry, they don't teach you much in a cell" Sasha pouts as Pam pats her head.
"Well, it seems you can speak better at least" Pam comments.
"Oh because I've been listening to all of you, I guess it's another quality from my eyes I suppose."
"Hmm, speech copying and charming you must have the whole package huh?" Pam yawns.
"You are getting distracted Pam," Azura says as she sets up the map.
"Right right sorry Zura, okay there are five major cities in Rendfall" She points out five stars on the map.
"There is Ashvale, Hametsu, Randamu, the boiling lands, and the Crimson bastion."
"Crimson bastion?"
"Oh right that is the capital of the wastes where we are now, it could be better though it's very lawless."

"Lawless?" Pam sighs as Azura chuckles.
"We are gonna be here all damn day at this rate" She continues to teach Sasha about the world and even the magic of this world.
"So my eyes are a form of magic?" Sasha asks while writing down this info also Azura is teaching her to write.
"Yes normally charmers have some form of demon heritage but you seem to be a special case not a shred of demon on you but you aren't all human."
"Is that bad? Am I a monster?"
"No, you're not you are our friend Sasha" Sasha smiles happily at that as she hugs Pam and Azura.

"Alright gang I've got the plan set thanks to Toni we are heading for Ashvale should be a day-long ride so make sure you're ready before we go"
"Yes ma'am!" Pam and Azura disappear as Astrid approaches Sasha admiring all her notes.
"What's all this?"
"Oh! Pam taught me all about Rendfall so I can be of use to you Astrid!"
"Use?... I don't like how that sounds you are your person Sasha."
"But...if I'm not being ordered around I don't know what to do." she looks down at her notebook as Astrid sighs.
"Partners... let's say we are partners, we work together I boss you around you boss me around." Sasha looks up and beams as she pounces on Astrid giggling as Toni walks over.

"Seems you girls are having fun, I'm about to hit the road don't want the scavs stealing my tent like last year." Astrid sits up and smiles at Toni before nodding.
"Bye-bye Uncle Toni." Sasha waves off Toni as he leaves
"See you later Sasha don't die" he leaves closing the door behind him.
"Wait don't die?! Is this a dangerous job!?"
"Well yeah, I'm a bounty hunter every job is a brush with death...besides Johnny that was embarrassing" They head to the bike they see two new robes working on it.
"Umi, nara is the bike ready?" Umi salutes as Nara bows.
"Of course boss everything is all set up Me and Nara did our best work yet!" They disappear as Astrid revs her bike and Sasha hops on.
"Oh almost forgot" She puts a helmet on Sasha.
"Heyy you aren't wearing a helmet"
"Yeah because I have no self-preservation skills in my body don't be like me sash you gotta live." She rides off as Sasha looks around the town and sees someone get thrown out a window.
"Oh wow"
"Eh, he probably owed money to the mob."
"Wait there is a mob too!?"

A woman gets ready backstage when a blindfolded woman joins her.
"My love, are you sure about all this?" She holds hands with the taller woman.
"Yes Ash we have come this far I won't stop until all of Rendfall is united and free of pain then we can be together without issues." She pushes Ash close but before they can go further a worker calls for the taller woman.
"Lady soma you're on"
"Well duty calls love, be back soon" She kisses Ash's forehead and heads onto a large stage giving herself a moment before the lights swell onto her as all of Ashvale is waiting with bated breath.

"Alright, then PEOPLE OF ASHVALE! Hear me now for I have come to you, not as some tyrant not as a monster hellbent on conquest! I come to you all as soma Cresthorne last of her lineage! For some time I have wondered what must be done to bring peace to Rendfall!" She takes a breath as suddenly the wind surges and pools to soma, she claps her hands together as a spirit Oni appears behind her and roars out.

"My goal is to unify all of  Rendfall under one banner! My own! We have allowed our lawmakers to control and ruin this land! The great calamity is no excuse for the lackluster efforts to rebuild! Not to mention bandits and thieves run amok in our homes killing our people! Well, that ends now, I swear on my life and name that if you stand with me...I will not fail you"  a moment of silence as the aristocrats gathered their thoughts before exploding into an uproar, somehow she did it.

"Congratulations love they are definitely on your side now." She hugs Soma.
"Thank you Dear, all that's left is to speak to the governor and relieve him of his post" Ash pulls Soma's half cape as Soma turns.
"W-well that's all and good but uhm...I miss you, Soma"
"I'm right here though Ash" Soma was confused not able to fully see how Ash was feeling at the moment.
"No you've been so busy with this uniting business, you have barely slept let alone interacted with me" She cups Soma's face and looks into her eyes.
"My love you need to take a break" She kisses Soma but it doesn't seem to get through to Soma as she sighs.
"Okay, love I'll take a break after we are done here is that alright?" Ash sighs and nods as Soma leaves.
"Why did I have to fall in love with such a hard head."

Meanwhile, outside the city, a bike pulls up to the city limits as the driver pulls up their goggles.
"We're here sash, time to meet the uniter."

End of Chapter 3
(A/n the picture above is how I believe Soma looks)

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