Chapter Twenty-six

Start from the beginning

I'm a confusionist.

After school Ruby and I went to Mateo's cafe for our shift.

"You look a lot better than yesterday" Mrs Mateo smiled at me, I was surprised she remembered how I looked a day before.
"Yes" I forced a genuine smile.
"I want you to know you can tell me whatever it is that's bothering you, worst case I wouldn't remember after I give you a good advice and see you smile" she said with a smile.
"Thank you" I smiled, for real this time.
"God bless you dear" she squeezed my hand a little.

A customer walked in forcing me to leave Mrs Mateo, before I made it to the counter my best friends voice stopped me.

"Sadiki!" I ran to hug him, he had a wild smile on.
He didn't look sick, he looked okay.
"I'm sorry, you were sick for so long, I couldn't check up on you" I apologized when we broke apart.

He looked puzzled, "sick?" He laughed hard for a while leaving me as confused as ever, "let me guess, Skyler told you I was sick" he guessed, his tone wasn't friendly.

I nodded, "she said you were sick but, you two were already on talking terms. Arlo told me you two had a fight or so" I recalled
"Wow!" He let out, "I wouldn't say I'm surp_" a real customer walked in causing Sadiki and I to pause our discussion.

By six I was seated with Sadiki, I wasn't leaving Mateo's till nine even though my shift was over. We sat at the far end by the glass wall.

"Skyler told me she didn't like me, that all of what happened between us was just a joke to her. I a joke to her, her words, I can never like someone as dumb and uncool as you never!" I was shocked because I honestly thought they were together, with the kisses and the sex and every other thing. Plus Skyler never told me anything about their misunderstanding –as she called it– she didn't want to talk about it, so I thought it was a relationship misunderstanding or so.

"I was hurt, badly, because I liked her alot and she acted like she liked me too. I was down for a day or two, Arlo managed to talk some sense into me and I got over it" he paused, a long pause.

He sighed, "my mom died after she had the baby, she left me, my dad, and three younger siblings" Oh my God! I felt really sad, he was holding up so well, he didn't even look like he just lost someone so dear.

"I was stressed, sad, I felt lots of emotions at once, I  returned from Saudi a day before yesterday, her wish was to be taken back home for her burial" I felt like crying on his behalf.

"I'm sorry, so sorry, I..I didn't know"
He smiled, "you don't have to be, it wasn't your fault. Arlo filled me up on everything that has been happening, I've seen the video and that is why I am here, I need you to explain everything to me plus what happened at Skyler's"

I told him everything, I tried holding my tears back but, they found their way out, I paused now and then to catch my breath. I told him about Reggie's attempt, the theft accusation, my wet and stolen uniform, what Bryson Griffin had said about Skyler and how he saved me twice, I also told him about Fauna's growing dislike for me or would I say hatred.

"Arlo is really sorry for what he did" he told me.
I nodded, "I know"
His eyes scanned my face, "Do you trust Skyler?"

I wasn't expecting that question from him, he knew how much I trusted and loved Skyler.
"Do you trust her?" I returned his question.
He smiled, "meaning you still trust her" he leaned back on his chair.

He sounded so different, he sounded matured and experienced, his mother's death left a mark on him, an invisible mark.

"No" he answered my question, "I don't trust Skyler, not because she doesn't like me back but because she's a lier and she's selfish" he said.

"I still want to be best friends with you Zemela, you're a great friend but not Skyler, she's a green snake under green grass. She lied about us patching up things when in the real sense she has blocked me completely on all platforms. A day after Fauna accused you of stealing, Skyler and Fauna went to a party together, they're friends, good friends the whole of Fauna's IG and TikTok followers know that already. Skyler is also friends with Reggie, she was the one that gave the CCTV footage of her closet to Fauna. The day you kissed Griffin in the library, she followed you secretly. I didn't suspect her at all before but now, I see who she really is, all those while she was pretending and acting. She only cares about herself and nobody else" it took me minutes to process the information Sadiki just provided me with.

Skyler? Would she do stuffs like these? No, she wouldn't, would she? She loves me as a friend.

A part of me believed Sadiki because he is also my best friend. But I couldn't just understand why Skyler would do all that? For what purpose?

"Popularity. Bryson Griffin" he cut me shut.

I scoffed, "she can get him if she wants, I mean he likes girls like her after all and she's a little bit popular too"
"Talk to her, ask her, if she's ignoring you confront her"
"Okayy, I'll try that. I just hope and pray all these is a misunderstanding" I said, I got up and headed outside, I needed fresh air I felt claustrophobic inside.

Sadiki stayed with me till Mateo's closing time, nine, he dropped me off at my bus station.

All I could think of over the night was Sadiki's words and how nice Skyler has been.

She has been avoiding you.
A voice at the back of my head said.

I didn't know why she was avoiding me, but it could be for other reasons.

Or because she is ready to show her true colors.

I had a sleepless night because I couldn't get Sadiki's words digested nor could I block the flashes of his lips and face as he spoke or Skyler's smiling face or Reggie's hands on me.

I thought I had gotten rid of Reggie's feel, all my attempts that night failed, sleep found me and thankfully I had no night mares.

What's up guys 😊?

I'll try to be updating twice whenever I get the chance to update because, school prep would start soon and I'll be too excited to write by then. And I really want to complete this book. To prove SOME PEOPLE wrong.

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See y'all 😊

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