- pt1 : "i love the smiths" -

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tv girl, the smiths

the music is a little too loud for me to even enjoy talking too my friends. my head is pounding along with the beats of the song, hearing all of these sweaty bodies jump up against each other. it's too loud. i have enough and tap frankie's shoulder so she turns around from whoever she's blushing at "hey, this is too much for me, i'll be somewhere upstairs" she nods in acknowledgment as she turns back around to continue talking and laughing.
i squish past all of the jumping bodies like a worm in the dirt and barely make it out the door to find that somehow, the music suddenly became slightly quieter, the room less suffocating. i find the wooden staircase where there seems to be about 5 different couples making out drunkenly. ew. i find a room at the end of the hallway, the only one with a closed door. good idea. if the door is closed, someone would think it's being used. honestly, i didn't care if there was someone in there, i just needed some quiet. i walk across the hallway and open the door; it's a really pretty room. there's a keyboard one one end of the room with a bed next to it, opposite it there was a vanity table with makeup on it, purpley pink led lights lighting up the room.
i walk in and see someone with their head down sitting against the bed, on the floor with their legs crossed. they have earphones on. they seem to notice someone came in and look up. it's them. the person in my art class who i never get the chance to talk to because they're always talking with someone else. as nice as they seem, i cant help but get intimidated everytime i try and talk to them. their gaze goes from curious to a familiar warm smile they give everyone "oh hey! it's you" they tilt their head in an excited way. i nod slightly. they pats the empty space next to them saying "come sit" as their eyes follow me as i sit next to them, fidgeting nervously.
"had enough of the party?" they ask. i nod "yeah.. it's too loud. my social batter is ugh" they nod in agreement and look at the wall infront of them as they say "real" i look down at my lap with a smile before i do the same. the air is filled with a deafening silence before i speak again. i nod at their book "so, what book were you reading?" they bolt their head my way, snapping out of whatever trail of thought they were in and smile again "oh, uhh just crier's war" they shut their book to show me the front cover. "ohh. i've heard of that actually, is it good?" they nod "yeah, it's pretty good so far" i nod slowly in response, a downward smile on my face of approval as we both turn to the wall again, the air filled with silence again. they play their song again and i can hear it muffled through their earphones. they were listening to the smiths. i play with my hands, blushing and biting down a smile while looking at my lap before turning to them saying "i love the smiths" with a slight smile. they take one of their earphones off looking at me, confused, assuming they didn't hear me "huh?" they asked. i move a millimetre closer, this time showing a little teeth with my smile "i said i love the smiths" for a while we let the muffled lyrics play in silence as we smiled at each other for what felt like minutes but was really just a second or so. they hold their earphone up "wanna listen? we can just sit here and chill for the rest of the night, i'm sure gia wouldn't care. it's my bestfriend's party and even i've had enough" they say with a shrug and scoff at the end of their sentence as they close their book up and put it away in their green messenger bag. she focuses back on me as i say "if you're okay with it i guess" i felt my smile get bigger and my cheeks felt warmer as they leaned in and put an earphone in my ear before they played the music again. they smile at me again and we both turn to the wall.
i play with my hands smiling and sort of see them looking the away with a soft, beautiful smile on their face which makes me look down at my lap yet again before everything except the song was silent and it was just us.
i didn't want to leave this moment. their hands were centimetres away from mine as our knees and shoulders touched the whole time, almost literally feeling the spark.

pls get the tiktok audio reference 🤞

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