"Lots of people have crushes on me. Are you going to erase all of their memories?" I asked.

"I don't care about those people. I care about Aiden," Nick said. "Show me all of your memories of her."

"Can we at least pull over?" I asked.

Aiden pulled the car to the side of the road then showed Nick all of his memories of me. I could tell that some of them were making him angry. Those must have been thoughts or dreams because nothing happened between us.

After he was done with removing Aiden's memories, he put his hands on my head. Next thing I know I'm in a car, sitting on Nick with a stranger at the wheel. I panic. How did I get here? Who was that guy?

I started undoing the seat belt. Nick grabbed my hand and tried to calm me. The guy looked disoriented. Did something happen to us?

"Aiden, I would like to introduce you to my mate, Addison. Addison, this is my loyal Beta, Aiden," Nick said.

I shook the stranger's hand. I got a loud shock from him. He was quite handsome but nothing compared with my mate. Looking into his eyes I get a strong feeling of deja vu. He starts driving.

Me: How did we get here? Who is this man?

Nick: I told you. He's my Beta. He picked us up from the plane. You fell asleep.

Me: Why am I on your lap?

Nick: I wanted you to have the best view of my pack.

Me: That was very thoughtful.

Nick kissed me and I pulled him in for a quick make out session. He put his hand up my shirt and started teasing my nipple until it hardened. Then I felt his mouth on me. I sucked in a breath until he started sucking my clitoris. I moaned then grabbed his arm.

"Stop please," I said.

Aiden put down the windows and my face grew hot. Nick sat there with a smirk on his face. He put his arms around my stomach then whispered in my ear.

"We're almost there. I can feel it," he said.

"I can't wait to see our new home," I said

"No one lives in our pack house just so you know. We have a house on pack land. Aiden here lives across the street," he said.

"Look there," he said, pointing to the mountain. "That's the pack house."

There were houses littered all around and people milling about. Once they saw our car they all congregated in front of a white colonial home.

"That's our home," Nick said.

"It's so classic. I love it," I said.

"Great. Now I don't have to tear it down and build something else," he said.

"Do you want me to wait for you, Alpha?" Aiden asked.

"Yes. We have to go food shopping. I just want to get Addy here settled in," Nick said.

Aiden popped the trunk and helped Nick carry the luggage in. I gave him a smile on his way out which he returned. I wanted to touch him again to see if anything happens, but couldn't think up an excuse.

"It was nice meeting you, Beta Aiden," I said.

"It was nice meeting you too Luna and you can call me Aiden," he said.

I held out my hand, "thank you for all your help today."

He looked at my hand for a second and then grabbed it. Sparks flew. He looked at me and I pulled my hand back. Nick walked into the room.

Redemption of the Moon GodWhere stories live. Discover now