His Butler, Training

Start from the beginning

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The day had passed, and it's already morning as the rain had finally stopped, y/n and sebastian had finished preparing ciel breakfast as they had gone to the dining room.

Y/n held the plate that had cabinet pudding on it as she put the plate down on the table in front of her master who gave her a small smile that she returned.

"For today's tea, we have a cabinet pudding. It was made using local blackberries."

Ciel chuckled, "You're certainly relaxed."

"Because we are in no hurry, sir."

The door of the dining room was slammed open as mey-rin came inside with worry and panicked on her face as finny was following her behind.

"Sebastian, y/n, hurry!"

Y/n looked at mey-rin, "What's the matter this time? Do calm down, please." She said politely.

"We've looked all over, but we can't find Angela!"

"Oh, is that all? Yeah, don't worry about it. She said there were some medicinal herbs growing down by the fen. She went there to go pick some up. That's all." Bardroy explained.

"Right now? Why would she?" Finny asked.

"She went all alone when there might be a demon hound out there?"

Bardroy eyes widened of realizing it as he stammers, "Oh, hell!"

"What was she thinking, going out all by herself?"

"She said she was worried, you know, about you being kinda sick and all."

Finny eyes widened and gasped, "for me? She went for me?" He shudders as he begins to run off.

"Come on, sebastian, y/n. Let's go help him!" Bardroy run passed y/n, ciel and sebastian to go follow after finny.

"Well, uh..."

"Hurry! Are you both a red-blooded man and a woman, or aren't you?" Y/n rolls her eyes, "I'm sure, she'll be fine." She said with coldness in her tone.

"How can you think, She'll be fine! There's a demon hound! Didn't you see what they did to Lord Barrymore!?" Bardroy said sternly as y/n glared at Bardroy, "bardroy!" Sebastian called out coldly and firm, having the chief to flinch.

Y/n placed a hand on sebastian shoulder, smiling at him gently before her face turned blank and glared at Bardroy, "Angela went on her own, right? Then shouldn't she known better not to head out if there was a demon hound even if she had a reason to go out, she should known better but bring someone with her to keep her safe but she didn't ask any of us, so it shows that she's able to handle going out there alone." She said with fiercely as she narrows her eyes.

Mey-rin and bardroy looked at y/n and knew she was right, since Angela did see what happen to lord Barrymore and could've asked someone to come with her but didn't and went on her own when she knew better to not leave the manor after what happen.

Ciel narrows his eyes as sebastian smirked of y/n's words as bardroy frowns. "I'm sorry, y/n." The maid gives a small smile."It's fine, but you two should follow finny so he doesn't do something that would get himself hurt. Me and sebastian want to stay by the young lord's side to make sure he's safe."

Bardroy nodded, now understanding of why sebastian and y/n didn't want to come, "okay, then." He looked over at mey-rin."Let's go, mey-rin."

"Sir, yes, sir!"

"Where's tanaka?" Bardroy looked around and spotted tanaka with a new outfit on him and marching in place with a gun propped on his shoulder.

"Ho. Ho. Ho."

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