Part 7: The mystery Solved!

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Loki looked up from his meatless burger on the ground to see a hammer break through the wall and then disappear again.

"Loki!" He heard his brother say, as Thor, Captain America, Tony Stark, (in a tuxedo for some reason) and a grease covered Black Widow and Hawkeye.

"Hello brother," Loki said, as creepily as he could.

"Cut to the chase Loki, where are all the burgers?!" Captain America shouted.

"I was about to ask you the same thing," Loki answered, picking up his burgerless burger.

"Well then where did all the burgers go?" Tony asked.

Suddenly they all heard a commotion from outside. They all ran out, and looked around. Suddenly, something landed at Captain's feet. He picked it up.

"Its a.... Burger!"

They slowly looked up to see a giant plane hover over them. In the trunk was millions of burgers.

Slowly the top opened and they saw a green head poke out.

"Hey guys!" Said Hulk, waving.

"Hulk?! Why did you steal all the burgers?!" Thor shouted.

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