Losing Heart

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Mom speaks in whispers around me now. I really hate it. But I am the one that caused this. I know I should apologize or feel bad about how I am acting towards her. I mean, she is dying for All Might's sake! 

But instead, I just feel numb. I have had serious thoughts about giving my life to save hers. But I know she would never allow that to happen. She doesn't go to work as much as before. Some days too sick to even leave the house. 

Kaachan and his mom come over to help around the house. Well, Kaachan really just comes to keep me company. He tries to fill the depressing atmosphere with quick rambles about many things. Mainly All Might. 

Today was the same as the other days. Suddenly Kaachan's mood perked up. I readjusted in my seat to, hopefully, look in his direction. 

"The old hag is throwing me a birthday party this weekend! I know you don't get out of the house very much, but I really want you to come!" he asked with confidence. 

My spirits dampened some when I thought about how many birthdays I had left. But I put on my routine fake smile. "I would love to come, Kaachan! But you know that is really up to my mother. She doesn't allow me to leave the house much." I ended on a sad note. 

I know she loves me and is constantly worried about me. But I really wish that I could just live while I still have energy and time left to do that. I will be turning 7 in three months. And all I ever do is listen to the kids out my window talking and laughing. 

"She will say yes. I am sure of it!" Kaachan exclaimed in unbridled excitement. "Um- so anyway. How is the treatments going? For you, I mean." 

My mind darkened when I remembered I have been lying to him this whole year. "Oh. Yeah, they are going great!" I reply quickly. "They just um- leave me pretty exhausted most of the time." 

"Oh, well I guess that is good then." he went quiet after that. Sometimes I wish he would just forget me and move on. I know I only make him miserable. It's not easy being friends with someone who is constantly sick. 

Some days, I just wish my time limit was already up so I can quit waiting in agonizing anticipation of my own death. 

Other days, I am happy to just have one more day with my family and friends. 

Today would be the former sentiment. 

Mitsuki rushed into the room panting. She seemed panicked. "Auntie Mitsuki? Everything okay?" I tilted my head a little in concern. 

"No, sweet Izuku. I am so sorry! It seems your mother's condition has progressed; we need to get her to the hospital." She impatiently uttered. A door opened and shut rapidly, barely giving way to the sounds of my mother violently sick in the other room. 

I kicked my feet nervously as I listened to the sickening sounds of regurgitation from the room. I know she is sick, but I had not realized how much worse it had grown over the year. 

"Izu, it's going to be fine." Kaachan whispered, putting a hand on my fidgeting legs. I jerked away like he had burned me. 

"What part of this is going to turn out fine?! She is dying, Kaachan! Just accept it and move on! I have!" I screamed at him. 

He sighed in despair. "Izu. No." 

No? No what? I cocked my head in confusion even though my body refused to stay still at this point. 

"You haven't accepted anything at all, Izuku. You won't even acknowledge her sickness to accept it." his words made no sense at all. I shook my head angrily.

What does he know anyway? He has a healthy family. Nobody dying and growing closer to their last breath every second that passes. He has a healthy body with a perfect quirk. Instead of a time bomb inside a dying body. How could he possibly understand anything at all about me or what I am going through?

My mother's door opened quickly, giving way to heavy footsteps racing out the front door. A couple minutes of silence before Mitsuki returned out of breath. 

"You two, let's go! Don't worry about grabbing anything Izuku. I will just come back if you need anything!" she informed us as she gripped both our arms and dragged us from the house and into the waiting car. Then, she spun the car onto the road. Speeding towards the hospital frantically. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2023 ⏰

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