- Drunk -

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   You look around the club with a frown, trying to spot your husband in the group of sweaty, dancing bodies seeing no one but Carlos as he's jumping up and down in the crowd, screaming with a group of girls making you laugh and sip your drink.

That's good. If Carlos was here, that means Leon was too. Leon, Carlos, Ethan, and Chris had gone out for a boys' night out while you, Claire, and Jill went out to have your own fun. The two groups agreed to go off and do their own things that consisted of strip clubs, random games like mini golf and bowling, all while getting drunk along the way before meeting up here to party together.

But now you've seemed to have misplaced your husband.

"Hey gorgeous, you got a name?" You hear, and you frown in confusion at the familiar voice. You turn to Leon with a confused smile as he stares at you with hooded eyes, making you chuckle lightly.

He was drunk. And you don't know if he's doing some weird first meeting role play or if he's just too drunk to remember that he's engaged to you. Either way, he gets points for loyalty.

"Yeah, I have a name." You speak, looking towards the bartender. "Another one, please." You smile, and Leon quickly steps forward.

"Make that two. I'll pay." He smiles at you, and you raise your eyebrows, scoffing in amusement. He turns to you, sitting on a bar stool and leaning against the bar on his elbow, his blonde hair perfectly in place. "So, you gonna tell me your name, or am I going to have to guess?" He asks, tilting his head.

You laugh lightly, shaking your head. You might as well see how this one plays out.

"Why don't you guess." You tease, grabbing the newly poured drink and swirling it around.

Leon smiles and nods, and you use all the power you have to not start laughing at his giddy state. He looks you up and down before sucking in a breath between his teeth.

"Hmmm, you seem like a...Y/n?"

"Wow, that was just a guess? Correct."

Leon nods, smiling brightly. "It felt right." He speaks, and you snort, deciding to tease him a little more.

"You do know I'm married, right?"

He snorts. "I don't see no ri–" He stops when you wiggle your left hand, showing off the gorgeous ring he brought you.

"Oh." He mumbles before scoffing and shaking his head, looking around the room. "Well, I bet you I'm a better man than he'll ever be." He speaks, and you hum, slowly nodding at him.

"I'm sure you are." You speak.

Leon downs his drink before his eyes trail over behind you, a frown covering his face. You turn around and spot a man walking your way, licking his lips with a smirk as his eyes trail over your body.

You quickly turn to Leon and smile at the jealous and angry face he's making. You grab his hand, and he turns to you, his eyes softening, and you smile up at him. "Pretend to be my husband?"

A bright smile covers Leon's face almost immediately, and he nods, quickly standing from the stool to be closer to you before the man finally approaches, leaning against the bar.

Leon doesn't even let the man speak before standing up straighter, towering over the man. "Move along, Buddy. She's married." He speaks, and the man looks between you and the man.

"Him? Really?"

You frown, glaring at him slightly.

"Yeah. Him. Now go before I let him do whatever his mind is thinking of." You speak, and Leon nods, agreeing with you, not realizing you were telling the truth. You hate when snobby men try to insult Leon. They have no idea what Leon is capable of, and you're glad none of them stick around to try.

But this guy did. He stuck around to try.

He steps forward, walking around Leon and toward you. "How about I take you back to my place and we have some real fun." He says, tilting his head, and you recoil in disgust.

"No thanks."

"C'mon, I don't bite." He smirks before leaning closer to you. "Unless you want me to."

Your face scrunches up, and you go to push him back, but before you can, his face is slammed up against the bar, a hand holding his arm in an awkward position behind his back.

"She said no. Now, are you gonna take a hint, or am I gonna have to break a few bones for you to understand." Leon seethes, and your eyes widen in delite, his words heading straight to your core, making you squeeze your thighs together tightly.


The man whimpers, yelling lightly and everyone in close range, turns to see what is happening, and you hear Carlos let out a small "Oh shit." From the dance floor.

When he doesn't respond, Leon pulls his arm tighter, making the man whine and nod.

"Okay, okay! I'll go." He speaks, and Leon lets go, steeping in front of you as the man quickly runs off, making you smirk and sip your drink once more.

Leon scoffs and turns to you with a soft smile. "What a dick." He speaks, and you nod before he speaks up again. "Where's your real man anyway? Can't be much of a good husband if he isn't even here to protect you." He grumbles out, looking around the room, and you can't hold it in anymore, letting out a loud laugh.

Leon turns to you with a frown.


You shake your head, covering your mouth as you try to stop laughing.

"Leon, look down at your left hand for me." You speak, and he frowns.

"How do you know my name?" He looks down at his hand and gasps. "How did that get there?" His wide eyes meet yours, and you chuckle.

"We're married, dumbdumb." You speak, and he smiles and laughs, throwing his fist up in the air.

"Fuck yeah!" He yells. "This is my wife, everyone!" He yells, and you quickly look away when almost everyone in the room turns your way, few letting out whistles and claps.

"Yeah." Leon mumbles, nodding to himself, proud that he pulled a girl like you. He leans against the bar once more and sends you a shit-eating grin. "So, since we're married, why don't we go home and start making babies?" He raises his eyebrow with a teasing look, making you quickly place your drink down and nod.

"Let's." You speak, grabbing his hand and pulling him to the exit, waving goodbye to the rest of the group Leon smiling brightly behind you as you pull him, telling people that you're his wife along the way making you laugh lightly.

Leon Kennedy Imagines (Resident Evil)Where stories live. Discover now