Deadly Waters [India]

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Requested by: Ccani_beniceE

Request: India has an earthquake. India calls the countries for help, but it is too late.

Characters: India, UN, America, Japan, China


The countries gathered with their friends and family, the atmosphere was jolly and bright. The air was filled with festive spirit as countries celebrated their holidays. Preparations for Christmas, Hanukah, Kwanzaa, and many other holidays were taking place. But most of all, countries waited in anticipation for the annual Grand Banquet held at the UN building. For one night every year, countries got along, sang, danced, and were jovial with no worries.

The English family was singing near their fireplace, wearing their matching Christmas sweaters. The Nordic family was frolicking in the snow, throwing snowballs and the occasional icicle. The African countries sang carols and left out food for Baba Noël. Countries around the globe that had traveled to their vacation homes near the UN building all enjoyed their morning to the fullest.

Well, all except one.

India was in their vacation home all alone. A few days ago, India was struck by a huge earthquake that reached a magnitude of 9.0 and was recorded as the third largest earthquake in history. It was such a large earthquake that it even triggered small earthquakes in places as far away as Alaska.

India had been hit with a large amount of pain, with cracks appearing all over their body. But they still traveled to their vacation home to go to the banquet. If they didn't show up, suspicions would arise.

India had told no one of their pain, instead choosing to hide it. They didn't trust anyone enough to tell them.

India gasped as a new wave of pain hit them. It seemed like the pain came from everywhere all at once. Tears welled up in their eyes, but they choked them down, instead stumbling up to get something to wear at the banquet. They took two steps before they crashed to the floor, covering their mouth as they started coughing up blood.

Little did India know that the real disaster was still to come.


"Come on in, come on in!" UN yelled, happiness seeping from his voice. He ushered countries inside a grand ballroom, which was huge. It was grandly decorated, with tables covered in red and white cloth and silver cutlery. Festive music blared, getting countries hyped up. The dance floor was made of shining marble, and there were tables covered in prizes and games.

"Woah, you really went all out this year!" America said to UN as he walked into the ballroom.

UN smiled and replied, "Of course! After all, it is the annual banquet."

Suddenly, the lights went out, and the room was pitch black. There were gasps and confused murmurs. A bright spotlight turned on in the middle of the dance floor, and there stood a few robed figures. The figures suddenly burst into festive songs, the lights turned back on, and countries enjoyed the show.

"Well, this certainly is fun." China smiled, taking a bite out of a cake.

"Yeah. It is, it really is," Japan responded cheerfully, looking around.

"Though, something is missing. I don't see India anywhere, and they promised me we would be antisocial together." China sighed, tapping his foot impatiently.

"That's what I noticed too. It's weird; I wish I knew where India was. I've been calling their phone, but I haven't gotten a response back." Japan said, continuing to look around for Sweden and India.


It wasn't long before the flood hit.

It was so large and destructive, leveling towns and cities and killing hundreds of people. Wave after wave kept crashing down on the countries bordering the Indian Ocean.

India was in so much pain. They had swallowed half a bottle of painkillers, but that did nothing to ease their misery.

India let out another scream of pain and collapsed on the floor. Their throat was hoarse from screaming, but the waves wouldn't stop.

India's pain was eased for a moment as the waters gathered for the next wave of destructive floods. India crawled over to their phone and called Japan, but no one picked up the call, as Japan was out on the dance floor. India kept calling numbers, but the countries had put their phones away, and no one saw the call.

Finally, India called the one number left. Pakistan.

India hesitated, but quickly dialed Pakistan when they felt a sharp pain course through their body.

Pakistan had just finished having a dance battle with EU, and boy, EU could dance. Pakistan had gone out to the balcony to get away from the crowd ecstatic over Pakistan beating EU.

He was looking through his phone when the call came. Pakistan stared, wide eyed at the number. He suddenly remembered he hadn't spotted India at the banquet. He looked at the call for a few seconds, before picking it up.

"Hello?" Pakistan said, waiting for a reply.

Pakistan was startled by the ragged breathing coming from the other side of the line, the voice laced with pain.

"Pakistan, listen, please. My country is being hit with floods.. everything's being destroyed. Please, everything hurts, it hurts." India's voice was ragged, and they gasped out bits and pieces of sentences.

Pakistan felt worry course through him. "India! Are you alright?"

"Pakistan I-" Suddenly, Pakistan heard a crash from the call. The other side of the line went silent.

Pakistan checked to make sure the call was still going, and it was. Something had happened to India.

"India? India!" Pakistan called out India's name before he ran inside, grabbing Bangladesh.

"What's wrong, what is it?" Bangladesh said as Pakistan ran up to UN in a panic, pulling Bangladesh along in tow.

At this point, many countries had seen Pakistan's panic. The room went silent, the only sound being the soft sound of the violin playing.

"UN! India called me, they were injured. India was in a lot of pain, and they were telling me something when the line went silent!"

The room broke out with exclamations of surprise and worry. Countries started to check their phones, and many were distressed when they saw the missed calls.

"India called me!" America exclaimed, "But I didn't see the call. We have to go to wherever they are."

"We don't know where they are." UN said, his face scrunching up with worry as he checked his tablet for news from the humans.

UN was silent for a moment before he addressed the countries. "India...India has had an extremely large earthquake. It has already caused so much destruction."

"We may be too late."


Hello Hello! 

Well, this was a nice chapter to write! I enjoyed it.

This is based off of History that actually happened.

For my other book, I am halfway done with the chapter. I am currently also working on the requests I have received. These next two months will be extremely busy for me, but I promise to update whenever I get time!

This was India-Centric, but please know other countries were also destroyed in the massive 2004 disaster. The death toll was huge and it was the third largest earthquake ever recorded. 


~Bah Bye

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