Tear my Soul Apart [Sri Lanka]

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Requested by: Ananya_chakraborty

Request:  Sri-Lanka debt trap by China One-Shot. 

Characters: Sri Lanka, America, Japan, G7, Organizations, China


"You really shouldn't borrow anymore from China; it isn't doing you any good." America's voice crackled from the other side of the line.

"I don't have any choice. At least China is willing to lend me enough money to keep my economy somewhat stable," Sri Lanka replied, trying to keep his voice steady as he fidgeted with his phone.

Why is America calling? Since when did he care?

"China will debt-trap you. He's using you to increase his influence over Asia. You've got to pay him back the money and cut ties. He's really hurting the West, you've got to take that into mind." America said, shushing the countries behind him. Sri Lanka hadn't shown up to UN meetings for a while. Eventually, UN increased humanitarian watch over Sri Lanka and demanded that they find out what happened to him. So now America was calling Sri Lanka, with the organizations and G7 countries crowding him.

So now it's about the West, eh? What about the people dying and starving in my country?

"I don't have the money to pay him back, Amerikkā." Sri Lanka responded quietly, his voice barely an audible whisper. He sagged in his chair, massaging his temples with one hand while holding the phone in the other.

America barely caught it and mouthed what Sri Lanka said to the organizations and countries who couldn't hear it.

"Japan is willing to forgive some of your debt; you just have to show up to a meeting to discuss the details." America said, changing the topic, with Japan crowding near to hear Sri Lanka's response.

"Really?" Sri Lanka stated, slightly relieved.

"Yep, the details will be decided shortly," America chuckled. I'll send it to you as soon as it's decided."

"Thank you, thank you! Please tell Japan that I really appreciate it--" Sri Lanka was cut off as there was a knock at his door.

"I've got to go, sorry." Sri Lanka said, his tone lighter.

"Wait but--" America didn't get time to finish his sentence as the call ended.

"He cut the call." America sighed, setting his phone down. "I wasn't able to find anything about his condition."

"It's alright," Germany replied. "We'll see how he's doing when he shows up to the meeting."

"Or how about we pay him a visit?" Canada chirped.

"We don't know where he lives. And the other Asian countries won't tell me where he lives." America sighed again. "We'll just have to confront him at the meeting. Then WHO can take him for a checkup."


Sri Lanka's mind raced as he headed towards the door.

My debt to Japan is only 2.47 billion, but getting that off my chest gets rid of some worries.

Sri Lanka opened the door, greeted by China standing there, smiling and holding a bag.

"Welcome China, come on in." Sri Lanka said, a tired smile on his face

China ducked under the doorway and walked inside, setting down his bags and turning to Sri Lanka.

"How have you been doing 斯里蘭卡?" China said, bending down to give Sri Lanka a hug.

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