I'm in love with my best friend-I've loved you for a million years..\\pt.2

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-PT.2 TO PREVIOUS ONE SHOT_thousand years' by Christina Perri

Lucas' pov

It was hard but well it was her life & it wasn't fair. She didn't deserve that.. she was doing something I could do easily convert carbon dioxide to oxygen, I could do something she had trouble doing; staying alive.. but hell she was doing it and she still is just not on her own. She doesn't have much time left but, there still trying out to see what they can do.. Ms hart came up to me

"listen honey you've been there for Maya when no one else could.. youre her best friend she loves you more than anyone on this planet & I know how much she means to you but things like these are gonna happen one of her lungs keeps failing and she can't breath with one lung.. So, theres not much they can do nut they can try, its you're choice if you do want to shut her down."

That killed me like a sharp pain just hits you in the back with a certain pain comes through you're body.. a shock, what if...

"you mean like put her to sleep like kill her...."

"honey I understand its hard-"

"no." She stopped me.

"shes dying you cant change that" I continued ignoring what she had just said "no there's another way I won't just let her go and I don't care if anyone judges me I am in love with a girl whose dying in there id do anything."

She walked away.

Heart beats fast

Colors & promises

How to be brave

How can I love,

When I'm afraid to fall.. that's when

All of my doubt goes away somehow

I'll find a way I don't care what they say or what they've heard I'm gonna do it.. Ill save Maya hart..Even though itll most likely be the last thing I do, I know what I have to do. I cant let her d..die.. when she always used to make me feel something words cant explain.

one step closer

Really only one person knows what im doing and they think im crazy for doing this but they know I love Maya. Plus shes all my heart holds my mom and dad passed away and I cant lose her ill lose myself without her. At least Maya will get to live happily and ill be reunited with my parents.

I have died every day waiting for you

Darling don't be afraid I have loved you for a thousand years

Id love you for a thousand more

I knew what I was doing but then I remembered I still hadn't gotten Maya her birthday gift... but I was bound to make it her favorite gift I wanted to give her something to remember me by. So I got to work.

--―-_‾‾‾‾⁽[..[.[time skip..]

I finished and went to go give it to, well put it in Mayas room, I took one last look at her & admired her the way her beautiful blonde locks layer there on her shoulders, and her blue eyes that I could so easily get lost in, lastly her cold pale face the one that defined death I touched her lips they were so cold and they looked as if almost a green pale pink color.

time stands still

I locked my eyes on her

Beauty and all she is.

I couldn't fight the urge I kissed her.

I know it was my imagination but it was like somehow she kissed back.

I will be brave

I looked at Ms. Hart then back at Maya

I will not let anything take away, what's there in front of me

I felt a tear come steaming out of my eye

Every hour, every breath has come to this

fighting the pain of wanting to cry

burned so I let it go I let tears roll off my cheeks

One step closer

Then someone a doctor came and tapped me saying that visiting hours are over

"no sir im here to have a lung transplant for this here Maya Hart."

"Oh im sorry my mistake I just assumed. But huh I presume you really love her"

"follow me" he finished I nodded

"And I presume you're Mayas doctor I'm" he cut me off

"you're Lucas friar Mayas best friend Maya really loves you I see why"

we entered a room and I smiled I didn't know she loved me.

"now Mr. Friar I love Maya I truly do my son and her are as they call themselves 'cancer buddies' my son has leukemia and I lost my late wife due to breast cancer"

I cut him off "I'm so very sorry I know how hard it is"

"Oh why thank you but if I may continue I've been Mayas doctor all her life and her lung has failed at working and you have a perfectly healthy lung if you go through with the transplant you'll take Maya's place on the verge of death"


You probably hate me now

But.... don't hate me cause I'm beautiful... or because I left you on a cliffhanger

- ⁽αnna\ cupcakes🍰

bai meh French fries🍟

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