I'm in love with my bestfriend¦ mayaxlucas

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♪- 'Story Of My Life' by one direction




Lucas' pov

Hi, I'm Lucas Friar aka Augustus Waters to my best friend anyway. I'm in love with my best friend

She was diagnosed with lung cancer when she was 5..¦

I met her when she was six. I'd watch her every day until I finally asked her why she didn't go to recess and why shed carry a big tank with wires connecting to her nose every day. She told me her story it was the first time she ever saw me cry, she told me that she had cancer and that she was diagnosed earlier last year when one night her lungs failed she stooped breathing her lungs couldn't support her. Maya hart died. She then was hooked up to cords were they found that she could breath If the cords were connected to her and making oxygen for her so her lungs didn't have to, but of course I didn't under stand a word she said, she was pretty smart for being six after all she had to learn what was keeping her live so as much as the cords bothered her she couldn't take them off. I baisically only got the basic part of what she was trying to say I knew she was having trouble staying alive. I cried.. and cried until my eyesight got blurry and she just sat there wishing she could go outside be normal, I Saw the way she looked at them so I brought the fun to her... I tried to anyway. I would make her laugh and we still do it up to today. She loves the fault In our stars that's all her room is covered with besides her pictures of us laughing or me tickling her. She loves TFIOS because she thinks she relate to Hazel Grace. Im her Augustus Waters to her im her 'savior'

written in these walls are the stories I cant explain

I remembered it was Mayas 16th birthday today I rushed over to her house . I saw her and snuck up on her I was determined to make this the best birthday ever like she made mine last month. I'm older then Maya by a month and she walked up to me and scared me, and she gave me the best birthday ever and it was amazing cause it was horrible I woke up to no mom and my dad at work like always

Leave my heart open but its stays right here empty for days

Maya's lungs had grown strong enough and she didn't need the tank.. it was amazing I could tell she felt like a normal girl and that to me was all id ever need. So this year me and her are going to meet the cast of the fault in our stars! But I know my Maya I mean Maya that means nothing to her the author of the book John Green «a;n⁽dont remember his name so I'm not sure if that's it⁾»

She's a weirdo like that she's an edgy poet someone who got beaten down by the world she was faced with so many challenges but she didn't let go or give up shes still here, thats what I love about her.

Then I saw her through the window when I got there she collapsed I jumped through the window and picked her up bridal style I called 911 and they said they would be there as soon as possible that wasn't good enough I know Mayas condition I sprinted to the nearest hospital shed been there so many times knew how to get there

The story of my life I give her hope I drive all night to get her home in time is frozen

I arrived there and a nurse asked me whether condition I said lung cancer and before I knew it there were wires attached to her again her lungs failed again... and I cried.. again, I couldn't take it I had to see her they pulled me away

"NOOOO MAYA!!!" I screamed and kicked they wouldn't let me then I heard a long beep and I fell to my knees I just saw my life crumble down before me I watched my best friend the love of my life die, I died I will never be the same...I sat there on the floor helplessly crying..

The story of my life...



Im in love with this one shot it has three parts oh and spoiler...⤴➰⤵

"I'd take a bullet for you"




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