Round 3: Hurricane of Dragons! Tempest vs Twister

Start from the beginning

As Dragoon went for another strike, Dragon's Performance Trip drifted away from Dragon to smack into Strata from behind, leading Daichi's blade trapped between Ashura and Dragon near the center.

"Tyson and Daichi have been outplayed," Hanami roared!

From the audience, Garland grew curious.

"It's not that. Their opponents have a stronger repertoire. Against F-Dynasty it took them a while to take them down, and even then they would've lost if Daichi didn't pull a hail mary."

Tala winced from below. "If Kai and I had battled them as a tag team, who knows what could've happened. Think we could've taken them?"

"Perhaps," Kai responded, focused on what Tyson would do to get out of this as Lui laughed.

"Instinct or strategy. Keep amusing me, Drum!"

Tyson grinned. "It's not over yet. Get in there, Dragoon!"

Dragoon flew down glowing as he turned to Daichi.

"Let's try that technique again."

"Got it. Strata Dragoon, let's do it!"

The Golden Earth Dragon glowed as well.

"Twin Tornado Attack!"

The two Dragoons generated darker tornadoes around them as Tyson's crashed into Dragon while Daichi's loosened Dragon and Ashura's grip around it, blowing them airborne.

"If this keeps up," Hanami and Blader DJ announced, "Ashura and Dragon will receive a stadium out!"

"Not like this. Ashura, hit Dragon! Keep Counter."

Bushin Ashura jerked around in the storm, riding up the walls of the storm to speed through the tornado and knock Dragon back into the ring. However, Strata Dragoon burst up the upper deck of the Hyper Double Stadium, flying towards Amane's Beyblade.

"Let's rock and roll, Strata! Special Move: Spike Saw!"

Daichi's Beyblade formed a geothermal rock sphere around itself as the yellow dragon blasted a meteor as Tyson's Dragoon used the tornado to steer his partner towards Amane.

"Gachi! Not happening, Tempest Dragon!"

Drum's partner blade flew into Tyson's tornado, rising up to combat Daichi's Beyblade head on as the hidden blades on Dragon's Tempest Ring began popping out as they were about to collide.

"Make this Recoil Extreme, Double Bound!"

Tempest Dragon's blades slashed at Spike Saw, stalemating them in midair and saving Ashura.


"We got this Amane!"

Drum and Daichi's blades glowed with blue and yellow energy before crashing back down into the stadium, covered by their partners. All four beyblades were wobbling to some extent at this point. They had to end it sooner than later.

"Daichi, let's go!"

"On it!"

Dragoon and Strata Dragoon flew up the upper deck, racing until they both hit the wall and got sent flying. As they floated, Daichi called for the Great Cutter while Tyson summoned a whirlwind. The wind dragon spun around the energy sphere, enveloping both beys into a super charged tornado splintering in two two vortexes.

"Go," both teens yelled, "Galaxy Turbo Twister!"

Gasps flew through the crowd as the twin vortexes skyrocketed back to the stadium. Lain's interest peaked. By

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