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I had just changed into my sleepwear. My parents are chatting in the living room downstairs. My older brother, who's here for his winter university break, is fast asleep in the next room.

It was already past midnight. I ought to go to sleep, otherwise tomorrow I won't be getting up. New Year's presents won't be bought by themselves.

Eh, just one last turn. I will end this quickly. I loaded again my save from my turn-based strategy game, focused around the Sengoku Jidai, and tampered with my new territorial gains for a bit.

It was at this moment that I felt kind of dizzy. Probably from the exhaustion; these past few days have been very busy. I need to relax and go to sleep.

So, with my mind putting a "full stop" on games for today, I went to the kitchen downstairs to get some water. I was wobbly, lightheaded, getting colder and colder by the minute.

Yeah, i sure was truly exhausted. My feet descended the stairs of my home, and safely landed on the first floor, just a room before the kitchen.

"Oh, Kazumasa, my dear. You're not sleeping?"said my mother, raising her head from the couch, as my father let out many epiphonemas, his head sticking to watching TV.

They were probably watching an action film, from the guns and explosions I heard from the other room.

I poured myself a glass of water, drinking it quickly, before checking my parents.

Just then, I entered the living room, and the world went quiet. My parents were nowhere to be seen. The television turned off.

In front of me was a particular anthropomorphic figure, seemingly looking like a human, wasn't.

I panicked.

"H-hey! Who are you?!"I shout at the possible intruder.

The figure slowly turned around, and opened their arms horizontally.

"Congratulations, Eto Kazumasa-kun. You have been cho-"

"Don't make me repeat myself: who the hell are you?!"i screamed inside the house, interrupting the creature.

The man raised his hands, trying to make me calm down.

"...I am God. You know. The Demiurge?"said the pale guy in front of me.

"Woah woah, hold on a minute. First of all, the Demiurge is a false deity deriving from Gnostic heresy. Second of all, I am not buying it."I said, walking backwards, reaching the kitchen cutlery, grabbing a knife for me to use as a weapon.

"Look, Kazumasa-kun, I am God. How else do you think you ended right here?"said the mysterious man, smiling at me.

"What did you do to my parents?"I asked, and the man ominously laughed.

"I did nothing to your parents. They are where you last saw them. Your parents are alright. Well, you...I don't think you have the same luck."said the false deity.

"What?"I asked, raising an eyebrow, coming a little closer to the mysterious man.

"I, uh...maybe transported you in another world?"said the deity, awkwardly.

"You what?!"I hysterically shout, my eyes nearly shooting out from their sockets.

"Yeah...and to do that, I might know, killed you."said the god, snickering like he'd done an innocent prank to some friend of his.

My jaw dropped. I needed to sit down.

"Wait, so am I in the afterlife?"I simply said, now feeling dizzy for real. What the hell is even happening?

『ONE KING, 7 QUEENS』OC X VARIOUS FEMWhere stories live. Discover now