Sakuatsu - Smut

621 7 8

Title: Hall of fame

Sakusa sat slouched on his chair that was tucked almost tightly beneath his desk, he was spinning from left to right ever so slowly while he thought of the up coming conversation he was about to have with a journalist. This meeting could go two ways:
1. The journalist is nice and respectful and respects his wishes of not being followed around for FOUR months for information.
2. The journalist is a dick, doesn't respect privacy and he has to get his bodyguards or security to escort them out.

Sakusa sighed, he seriously shouldn't have skipped breakfast. He looked at the coffee cup that was filled to the brim with caffeine, though it was cold. He always found it strange how such a small cup could have a room smelling of the liquid inside, though he loved coffee.. He despised the smell.

Sakusa immediately straightened his posture once he heard a knock on the door, he fixed his tie, quickly ran his fingers through his hair and sat his with hands clasped on the table.
"come in" he replied bluntly. The door slowly opened and a muscular man walked though, he caught Kiyoomi's attention to say the least.
"Mr Sakusa, thank you so so much for this opportunity! I've just started my journaling career, so this is a major step for me to be able to interview such a well known and respected man like you." Kiyoomi was liking this sound of this guy already.. Maybe this won't be so bad.

Sakusa directed his hand to the seat that was placed in front of his desk, the unknown man took a seat and placed his brief case on the floor with his note pad on his lap and pen in hand. The blonde continued,
"I'm Atsumu Miya, it's a pleasure to meet you" Miya extended a hand. Sakusa thought about it for a moment before quickly shaking Atsumu's hand and putting on hand sanitizer just as fast.

The two men sat in silence for what felt like an eternity, but in that time he found himself gazing at Atsumu. He was a very attractive man, he glanced down at Miya's his hands, scanning for a ring.. An engagement or wedding ring. Nothing. He was wearing nothing that indicated to a relationship so far.. Though Sakusa wasn't sure why he found himself wondering if Atsumu was in a relationship, he was interested in this man for some reason..

"May we get started?" Atsumu asked with a bright smile on his face, usually Sakusa would respond with something snarky or cold, but he found himself smiling softly at Atsumu and nodding. "So..My boss wants me to follow your moves closely for 4 months starting on Monday, he wants me write down things about the real Kiyoomi Sakusa! Are u alright with that sir?"

"Sir?.." Kiyoomi thought to himself.

"Yes that's fine, why not start tomorrow?" Atsumu sat up in his chair "You're willing to do that? That's great, we'll start tomorrow!" He exclaimed with a bright smile on his face, a smile that Sakusa couldn't wait to see more. "You'll meet me in my office at 8am, sharp. Not a moment later, we will then leave for tomorrow's duties. Understood Mr Miya?" Atsumu nodded his head. "yes! And Atsumu is fine Mr Sakusa"

Sakusa wasn't one to believe in love at first sight.. But he believed his beliefs to be changing due to a blonde man sat in front of him.


The next day was going slow to say the least, Sakusa had met up with Atsumu and they went straight to his first destination: a charity event. Atsumu was surprised as Sakusa didn't seem like a man that would Invest his money in such, tho he wrote it down in his notes while trying to pay attention to Sakusa.

After the event was over the two men made there way down town to grab some coffee, they sat at the back of the cafe with their chosen beverages.

Sakusa with his black coffee,

And Atsumu with a caramel frap.

Sakusa took a sip from his cup while Atsumu clicked his pen and opened his notebook, "Can I ask you a few questions sir?" Sakusa placed down his cup and let out a sigh "..If you must.." Miya smiled cheerfully. Sakusa found himself, overtime, warming up to the fake blonde.

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