Sakuatsu - Smut

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Title: Rich boys

Dating and being one of the most richest men in Tokyo wasn't going quite as Atsumu planned, there was a tone more stress and weight on his back than he first anticipated. He and his boyfriend Kiyoomi Sakusa were staying at the same school, in the same dorm, in mostly the same classes. That's how they met.

Both he and Sakusa came from a very rich families were each of their families thought it would be best to send their sons to a school to learn how to be a 'proper man', all the men basically learn a bunch of sexist and old fashion things such as, how to treat a woman, to not show emotion, how to be a business man, It was the same for the woman. Things may have been different for different people because not everyone who attended the school was rich, some were marrying into wealthy families and being taught how to be 'proper'.

Atsumu and Kiyoomi met in their engineering class and the rest was history, Atsumu likes to call it love at first which sakusa would disagree only to annoy Atsumu. Both Atsumu and Kiyoomi attended the school for the same reason, their parents wanted to get rid of them. It was understandable to an extent, who wants their 20 year old son to live with them. Atsumu wasn't going to move out anytime soon as he wanted someone to live with and he had no friends who were willing to live with him and as for sakusa, he had friends who wanted to live him yet he didn't want to live with them because of their germs. Atsumu, in sakusa's eyes, was the only exception.

Atsumu was sitting on the bench next to a few team mates while they watch their classmates play volleyball, Atsumu always had a liking towards volleyball, he never really knew why. His twin brother likes it too, not as much as him but he would choose it over playing football or basketball. This was why zoning out while watching volleyball was weird for Atsumu, He knew exactly why he was freaking out though but he was just trying not to think about it.

Once his classes team game was finally over all the boys went to a locker room, sakusa never had the same pe class as Atsumu. When he was in pe Sakusa was in modern literature which neither of them found their classes fun without the other one in them, Atsumu took his phone out his bag after taking off his shirt and sent a quick text to his boyfriend


Wait for me outside of your class, I'll be there in five then we can walk to the dorm together <3

Ok :)

Atsumu packed away his pe clothes in his locker, chucked his bag over his shoulder and left the locker room. He walked a bit to find his boyfriend standing outside his class room playing on his phone, Atsumu walked over to sakusa and gave him a slap on the back of the head "HEY what's that all about- oh. Its just you" Sakusa rolled his eyes after his near hissy fit "You'll pay for that later" Sakusa added to which Atsumu smirked.

Both of the boys began to walk down the crowded halls, the b side was never very busy on a Friday after school but there was a few people in sight. It wasn't until they got to the stairs, now that was a real problem, but thats a bridge they'll cross when they get to it.

Sakusa had both of his hands in his pockets until Atsumu shouted "High five omi!" sakusa went to high five him as requested but Atsumu grabbed his hand and took a hold of it. The two adult men walked up the stairs and into their dorm to were Atsumu threw down his bag and leaped onto the bed, he motioned the grabby hands towards sakusa.

"You know they don't work on my 'Tsumu.." Atsumu crossed his arm "Plus we have to get ready" sakusa added "I should shower.. Don't want your parents to smell b.o.." Atsumu sighed. He got up and entered the bathroom to were he turned on the shower and took off his shirt.

He let out an audible sigh as he looked himself in the mirror "His parents are goin' to think 'm a joke.." he muttered, Atsumu wasn't insecure but if he would change things about himself he if he could. But next to sakusa he felt like he didn't compare, he rubbed his eyes, took of his trousers and boxers and entered the shower to were he was hit with warm water.

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